News Releases Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 03/22/2001 Thousands of farm workers among Mexicans & Mexican Americans greeting Mexican President Vicente Fox at Fresno gathering co-hosted by UFW 03/16/2001 VENTURA MUSHROOM WORKERS CONFRONT GROWER OVER NOT COMMUNICATING HEALTH RISKS FROM FIRE AT PLAN 03/08/2001 UFW signs historic contract at nation’s largest strawberry employer, Coastal Berry Co. UFW’s first major stake in California strawberry industry 02/24/2001 Southern Calif. Residents Join Together to bring Food and Funds to Aid Stricken Pictsweet Mushroom Workers 02/22/2001 UFW to endorse Antonio Villaraigosa for Mayor 02/08/2001 United Farmworker Union Announces Support for Immigration Reform Legislation 01/26/2001 Retired farm worker to get $43,000 pension check from UFW Secty.-Treas. Tanis Ybarra; others may not know about union benefits 12/22/2000 Dolores Huerta released from UCLA to spend holidays with her family 12/11/2000 Dolores Huerta’s condition improves to fair 12/08/2000 Dolores Huerta’s condition once again critical after the UFW co-founder is transferred to UCLA 12/05/2000 California mushroom workers lead ‘human billboard’ to kick off boycott in Oregon 11/21/2000 Thanksgiving message: UFW gives thanks for recent gains as it calls off table grape boycott 11/06/2000 Honor Dolores Huerta by getting out the vote for Gore and other Democratic candidates, Huerta family asks 11/06/2000 UFW ‘human billboard’ line spurs Latino get-out-the-vote in Glendale for Gore, other Democratic candidates 11/06/2000 50-car farm worker caravan to election eve Latino get-out-the-vote rally in Bakersfield 11/05/2000 Latino recording stars join UFW get- out-the-vote rally for Gore & Salinas 10/31/2000 UFW co-founder Dolores Huerta condition remains critical after surgery in Bakersfield hospital (w/updates) 10/10/2000 Passing of Linda Chavez Rodriguez–daughter of Cesar Chavez, wife of current UFW president 10/05/2000 More than 100 Central Valley and Central Coast farm and other low-wage workers push for minimum wage hike 10/03/2000 Three generations in a Latino family register to vote as UFW marks one week before deadline for Nov. 7 election 09/21/2000 Poisoning victims respond as biggest pesticide misuse settlement in state history is made public 09/21/2000 Cardinal Mahony blesses new Lady of Guadalupe rose produced by UFW members 09/03/2000 Farm workers end longest-ever harvest-time strike 09/03/2000 UFW chooses new No. 2 officer; four others added to union’s expanded executive board 09/01/2000 Gov. Davis headlines UFW convention as Labor Day weekend gathering focuses on amnesty, fall election & organizing « Previous1…5758596061…66Next »