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“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez


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These nursery workers have just started their season. Rose bushes are best planted in autumn or winter as they will have a chance to establish themselves to better withstand the summer heat. #WeFeedYou

Estos trabajadores de nerceria acaban de comenzar su temporada. Es mejor plantar rosales en otoño o invierno, ya que tendrán la oportunidad de establecerse y resistir mejor el calor del verano. #SoyEsencial

These nursery workers have just started their seas...

Maria starts her day at 6am picking apples in Merced CA. She climbs up and down the ladder carrying a nylon sack that can weigh up to 50 pounds at a time. #WeFeedYou

María comienza su día a las 6 am pizcando manzanas en Merced CA. Sube y baja la escalera cargando un saco de nailon que puede pesar hasta 50 libras a la vez.#SoyEsencial

Maria starts her day at 6am picking apples in Merc...

Vianey shared this video of the rose nursery where workers are busy preparing rose bushes for planting. By spring time these can bloom into beautiful rose gardens in the homes of many. #WeFeedYou

Vianey compartió este video de la nerceria de rosas donde los trabajadores están ocupados preparando los rosales para plantar. En primavera, estos pueden florecer y convertirse en hermosos jardines de rosas en los hogares de muchas personas. #SoyEsencial

Vianey shared this video of the rose nursery where...

A new harvest season in the citrus has begun  in the San Joaquin Valley CA.  The wages for them have not increased this year and Victor shares he is just trying to make ends meet. #WeFeedYou

Ha comenzado una nueva temporada de cosecha de cítricos en el Valle de San Joaquín, CA.  Los salarios para ellos no han aumentado este año y Víctor comparte que solo está tratando de llegar a fin de mes.#SoyEsencial

A new harvest season in the citrus has begun in t...

Prez share this video last Friday from where he was pruning grape vines in Dunkirk NY in Chautauqua County. He said they probably will not be working this week because the snow is now 3 feet deep which makes it hard to drive or walk. #WeFeedYou

Prez compartió este video el viernes pasado desde donde estaba podando viñas en Dunkirk, NY, en el condado de Chautauqua. Dijo que probablemente no trabajarán esta semana porque la nieve tiene 3 pies de profundidad, lo que dificulta manejar o caminar. #SoyEsencial

Prez share this video last Friday from where he wa...

Hermelinda harvests jalapeño peppers. It's the slow time of year so she travels almost 200 miles daily, from Madera to Gilroy, to work. She earns piece rate and must work as fast as possible so she can to cover cost of transportation and have enough for basic expenses. #WeFeedYou

Hermelinda cosecha chiles jalapeños. Es la época del año en la que hay menos trabajo, por lo que viaja casi 200 millas al día, desde Madera hasta Gilroy, para ir a trabajar. Gana por pieza y debe trabajar lo más rápido posible para poder cubrir el costo del transporte y tener lo suficiente para los gastos básicos. #SoyEsencial

Hermelinda harvests jalapeño peppers. It's the sl...

Ismael's laboring in the strawberries in Salinas CA.He explains: It's already dawn. We are about to start working. We will break up clods of dirt. The strawberry plants have been planted. They're very small. But eventually we will have a lot of strawberries here. #WeFeedYou

Ismael está trabajando en las fresas en Salinas, California. Él explica: Ya está amaneciendo. Estamos a punto de empezar a trabajar. Vamos a romper terrones de tierra. Las plantas de fresas ya están plantadas. Son muy pequeñas. Pero con el tiempo tendremos muchas fresas aquí. #SoyEsencial

Ismael's laboring in the strawberries in Salinas C...

Sweet potatoes are a #Thanksgiving staple. Farm  workers near Merced CA start their day at 4am. While this machine digs up the sweet potatoes, it also digs up dirt and debris. Workers will spend 8 hours on their feet sorting the vegetables. It’s hard dirty work. #WeFeedYou

Sweet potatoes are a #Thanksgiving staple. Farm w...

Grateful for the hands that harvest the harvest! 🧑‍🌾💚 This #Thanksgiving, join us in giving thanks to the farm workers who grow and nurture the veggies that make our meals special. From the salad on our tables to the delicious and classic sides like greens beans and sweet potatos, we wouldn’t have these flavorful dishes without them. Let’s honor their hard work and dedication! 🙏🌽🍠 

Please consider making a donation during this season of thanks and giving to help fund change all year long. Link in bio or
#Wefeedyou #Gratitude #ThanksgivingVeggies

Grateful for the hands that harvest the harvest! ...

This is how those fresh and fragrant bundled herbs like  parsley get to your grocery store. Workers spend 8 hours a day on their knees harvesting this crop that is used in our #Thanksgiving stuffing. #WeFeedYou

Así es como llegan a tu supermercado esas hierbas frescas y fragantes como el perejil. Los trabajadores pasan ocho horas al día de rodillas cosechando este cultivo que se utiliza en nuestro relleno de Acción de Gracias. #SoyEsencial

This is how those fresh and fragrant bundled herbs...

Jorge shared this from where he was picking sweet potatoes at night in Merced County. He shared this day he worked late into the evening and woke up early to work a double shift. This extra money takes care of his family. #WeFeedYou

Jorge compartió esto desde donde estaba recogiendo camotes por la noche en el condado de Merced. Compartió este día en el que trabajó hasta tarde en la noche y se despertó temprano para trabajar un turno doble. Este dinero extra cuida de su familia. #SoyEsencial

Jorge shared this from where he was picking sweet ...

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