UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Releases
- 03/27/2002 U.S. high court annuls labor laws, creates ‘permanent underclass of semi-slave laborers,’ sparks anti-GOP anger by Latinos
- 03/05/2002 UFW Pres. Rodriguez, Rep. Dooley join farm workers activists in rally for Nicole Parra
- 03/04/2002 UFW Pres. Rodriguez joins dozens of farm worker activists ‘human billboarding’ for Ortiz as part of union’s Latino vote drive
- 03/02/2002 Lt. Gov. Bustamante, UFW Pres. Rodriguez join farm workers walking precincts for Joey Acuña
- 03/02/2002 L.A.-area Unitarian church members taking food and supplies to Pictsweet
- 02/08/2002 UFW’s Rodriguez and Sen. Romero headline big Valley Latino get-out-the-vote dinner
- 02/06/2002 State Board of Education to Adopt Cesar Chavez Curriculum
- 01/28/2002 Retired farm workers to get more than $41,000 in pension checks; UFW appeals to workers who may not know they qualify
- 01/22/2002 UFW to endorse Gutierrez for Arizona governor
- 01/16/2002 Pictsweet found guilty of illegally firing mushroom worker who backed UFW
- 12/11/2001 UFW leaders, activists confront Hinojosa for ‘abandoning working family constituents’
- 12/04/2001 Farm workers picket big Visalia nursery demanding job security in new UFW contract
- 10/20/2001 Farmworker &Latino activists launch biggest Valley registration drive as 250 attend all-day training conference
- 09/28/2001 Retired Filipino-American farm worker to receive $73,357 pension check; UFW appeals to others who may not know about benefits
- 09/18/2001 One week later… Immigrant community, workers, labor and religious leaders to gather in heart of L.A.’s immigrant community and issue call for unity
- 09/14/2001 Saturday & Sunday in Calif., Ariz., Texas & Washington state: Farm workers organize nine events in four states honoring victims of terrorist attacks and statement from the farm workers’ movement on tragic terrorist attack against the United States
- 09/14/2001 Saturday & Sunday in Calif., Ariz., Texas & Washington state: Farm workers organize nine events in four states honoring victims of terrorist attacks and statement from the farm workers’ movement on tragic terrorist attack against the United States
- 09/12/2001 Statement from the farm workers’ movement on terrorist attack against the United States
- 09/08/2001 Pictsweet workers host prayer vigil after state prosecutors charge company with firing leading union activist for supporting the UFW
- 09/01/2001 “Providence” star Mike Farrell leads Labor Day weekend march by mushroom workers against labor law-breaking Pictsweet Farms
- 08/30/2001 New UCLA Study to Show Immigrants’ Impact on U.S. Economy
- 08/29/2001 UFW celebrates Chaddock contract with workers, local labor & political leader
- 08/21/2001 Two weeks before Bush-Fox immigration talks, bipartisan poll shows majority of voters back legalization for hard-working, taxpaying immigrants
- 08/08/2001 U.S., Mexican Officials to Hear Workers’ Claims in Trade, Labor Rights Dispute under NAFTA; Sanctions Could Result Union to Launch “Fair Trade Apple” Campaign
- 08/08/2001 UFW hails governor’s signing of its farm labor contractor reform bills