News Releases Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 06/26/2023 Mourning UFW ‘pioneer’ Josefina Flores, who witnessed decades of farm worker movement exploits and sacrifices 05/17/2023 Windmill-Ostrom Workers Welcome 3.4 Million Dollar Payment for Civil Rights Violations; Continue to Fight for Union Recognition 03/31/2023 Farm Workers Participate in White House Roundtable Meeting on Cesar Chavez Day 03/30/2023 Farm Workers Join Students for Cesar Chavez Day Rally in Seattle 02/28/2023 Farm Workers Welcome New AEWR Rule 02/23/2023 Ostrom Mushroom Sold; UFW Condemns Treatment of Mushroom Workers by New Anti-Union Management 02/10/2023 Rufino Contreras asked for ‘a more just share’ of what he produced; 44 years ago the company answered him with bullets 01/25/2023 Remembering Nan Freeman 51 years after the young Jewish woman gave her life for farm workers 01/24/2023 UFW Statement On Killings of Farm Workers in Half Moon Bay 01/13/2023 Farm Workers Welcome New DHS Prosecutorial Discretion Guidance 12/22/2022 Senate Republicans and American Farm Bureau Deny Farm Workers Legal Status 12/18/2022 Honoring Rev. Chris Hartmire, ‘a modern Christian revolutionary’ who helped build the UFW 12/12/2022 Farm Workers Return to D.C. to Press for Legal Status 12/12/2022 Gift give-away for farm worker & low-income families by United Farm Workers, Cesar Chavez Foundation and Celebration Nation 12/08/2022 Genaro (“Gemo”) Lizama was a fearless organizer with the UFW 11/26/2022 abc 23 Bakersfield: Congressional leaders hoping to pass pathway to citizenship for farm-workers 11/21/2022 Fred Ross Jr.’s matchless organizing talents empowered farm and other workers 11/17/2022 SUNDAY: Ostrom Mushroom workers and supporters rallying in Seattle 11/14/2022 Essential Farm Workers Travel to D.C. Before Thanksgiving to Push Compromise Agriculture Bill 11/09/2022 Mourning Paul Schrade, a close ally and friend of Cesar Chavez and the farm workers 10/25/2022 Farm worker movement marks Larry D. Itliong Day 09/28/2022 California Governor Signs AB2183 08/29/2022 ‘Vigil for the Governor’s Signature’ at state Capitol urging him to sign farm workers’ voting rights bill 08/24/2022 Weary marchers nearing Sacramento, preparing for final leg of 24-day, 335-mile trek as 5,000 are expected to march on state Capitol Friday 08/22/2022 Momentum builds as 5,000 to join final leg of 24-day, 335-mile UFW ‘March for the Governor’s Signature’ « Previous123456…66Next »