UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
2024 Convention News
- 09/23/2024 KGET: Congressman Adam Schiff calls to expand farm worker benefits at 2024 UFW convention in Bakersfield
- 09/21/2024 23 abc Bakersfield: Essential workers, essential rights: Inside the United Farm Workers Convention
- 09/21/2024 Teresa Romero Delivers UFW President’s Report; Highlights 80% Union Growth; Calls for New Organizing
- 09/20/2024 Convention delegates elect three new UFW leaders who played key roles in organizing wins growing the union’s ranks
- 09/20/2024 Los delegados de la convención eligieron a tres nuevos líderes de la UFW quienes desempeñaron papeles clave en la organización y aumentaron las filas de la Unión
- 09/16/2024 Sept. 20, 21 & 22 in Bakersfield: Hundreds of farm workers gather to mark organizing victories on both coasts at UFW convention
- 09/16/2024 20, 21 y 22 de septiembre en Bakersfield: Cientos de campesinos se reúnen para celebrar las victorias organizativas en ambas costas, durante la Convención de la UFW
- 05/16/2024 Convention call 22nd constitutional convention