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United Farm Workers President Teresa Romero awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Delegation of Mexican Senators to Meet with Washington Dairy Workers, Tour Region

A delegation of Senator’s from Mexico’s Federal Senate will be meeting with dairy workers in Eastern Washington on Monday, January 27th.

The Senators are coming at the invitation of the United Farm Workers, who’ve been supporting the region’s dairy workers for the past decade.

“It’s important for Mexican politicians to learn firsthand about the challenges dairy workers face here in the Pacific Northwest,” said Erik Nicholson, National Vice President of the United Farm Workers.  He added: “Mexico is the premier export market for dairy products produced both in this region and across the US. We’re honored that such a high level delegation is coming here to Eastern Washington to talk with dairy workers face to face.”

The Senate delegation will be led by Senator Bertha Alicia Caraveo. Joining her will be Senator Israel Zamora, Julián Luzanilla Contreras (advisor to Senator Beatriz Paredes Rangel), and Hector Iván Godoy Priske, Head Consul of the Consulate of Mexico in Seattle. The delegation is intended to develop a  better understanding of the role of workers from Mexico within the US-Mexico dairy supply chain.

UFW President Teresa Romero will be personally hosting the delegation during their time in Washington State.

Following a series of initial meeting with dairy workers, the delegation will be meeting with the press at 4 pm at the UFCW hall in Yakima, WA.

WHO:    Senators’ Delegation (Federal Senate of Mexico), United Farm Workers, local dairy workers

WHAT: Press conference and statement on delegation

WHEN: Monday, January 27 at 4:00 pm

WHERE: UFCW 1439 Hall, 507 S. 3rd Street, Yakima WA 98901