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Victory at Di Mare!

Great news: farm workers just won their first election under the new law we marched for last summer! I wanted to share this first with amazing supporters like you, who stood by us the entire way. As I marched 335 miles, I listened to the stories of workers who marched every mile alongside me. Countless more workers and supporters joined us at rallies in the towns we marched through. The overwhelming message I heard was hope for a brighter future if we were able to pass this new law and get it signed.

Each of you played a key part in us winning the new law to make it safer to vote in farm worker elections. You donated, you marched with us, you hosted and fed us, you called and emailed and raised our signal on social media. Together, we triumphed. Workers at Di Mare, a tomato farm with around 250 workers in Newman CA, came together to organize under the new law and they won. Even for workers who are very motivated, before the new law the road to victory was just too steep.

I joined the Di Mare workers at their victory party on Sunday. I saw the look of pride and hope in workers’ eyes. I saw their excitement. Thanks to good friends like you supporting the workers’ fight for this new law, they were able to vote off the jobsite and away from the supervisors’ prying eyes … and win!

Sergio, one of the Di Mare tomato workers, was at the workers’ victory party last Sunday. He shared, “I was afraid to join the union because of the bosses. But I overcame that fear because I was tired of the injustice. My message to other workers is not to be afraid. As César Chávez said: ¡Si se puede! I want to thank those who fought for the new law for their efforts.”

12-year Di Mare worker Margarita adds, “I am happy with this victory under the new law; I have worked with the same salary for several years. I would like to see holiday pay negotiated so I can be with my family.”

I want to thank each one of our loyal UFW supporters for everything you’ve done to help workers reach this victory. Without the march and vigil this victory never would have happened. We are figuring out this process as we go along, and this fight was still not easy – the company played tricks during the election, have filed objections to the election and are still challenging the workers’ victory. We will keep you updated, because we are in this together. Si se puede!

Teresa Romero
UFW President