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UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms

Unveiling innovative technology—a ringtone jingle—to warn immigrants of their rights if confronted by ICE

Events at 10 a.m. on Monday in Fresno, Bakersfield & Salinas

Unveiling innovative technology—a ringtone jingle—to warn immigrants of their rights if confronted by ICE

The United Farm Workers and UFW Foundation will use simultaneous events on Monday in Bakersfield, Fresno and Salinas to demonstrate innovative technology—a short, catchy jingle in Spanish intended to be set as a mobile phone ringtone—that helps undocumented immigrants know their rights if confronted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. The lyrics of the ringtone offer crucial guidance on what to do if stopped by ICE. Monday’s events will show people how to access the ringtone through an App.

The 19-second ringtone delivers the following crucial message: “If immigration comes to arrest you, keep calm. You have the right not to sign anything and not to say anything. You have the right to remain silent; also the right to ask for an attorney.”

The ringtone reminds people of their rights, but it also reminds immigrants they have allies among immigrant rights groups such as the UFW and UFW Foundation in resisting Donald Trump, whose administration’s policies and practices are terrorizing immigrants.

Simultaneous demonstrations of the new ringtone App will take place at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 26, 2017, as follows:

UFW Vice President Erika Navarrete and Eriberto Fernandez, UFW Foundation civic participation & policy organizer, at UFW Foundation office, 238 – 18th St., Suite 10, Bakersfield 93301

UFW Foundation Outreach Coordinator Aaron Andrade and Lourdes Cardenas, UFW member and farm worker leader, at UFW Foundation office, 2409 Merced St., Suite 103, Fresno 93721

UFW Vice President Lauro Barajas and the UFW Foundation’s Ricardo Nuñez, who is federally accredited to provide immigration legal services, at UFW Foundation office, 427 Pajaro St., Suite 3, Salinas 93901
