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United We – Immigrant Youth to Speaker Paul Ryan: We Need a Clean Dream Act by Christmas

It is Time for Members of Congress from Both Parties to Step Up Can Step Up and Protect Immigrant Youth Without Endangering Our Parents

Washington, DC  –  Tonight, news broke that Speaker Paul Ryan has told Republican members of Congress that protections for immigrant youth will be included in the year-end spending bill that must be passed by Congress.

The news comes as more and more immigrant youth are losing their protection from deportation by the day since Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump killed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA).

Adrian Reyna, Membership Director for United We Dream and DACA beneficiary said:

“We need a clean Dream Act passed by Congress by Christmas. Immigrant youth are already losing their protection from deportation and the situation is growing more dire by the day.

“This crisis can be remedied with the Dream Act – a bipartisan bill which would protect millions of immigrant youth who call this country their home and whose futures will be uncertain until Congress passes this bill.”

“A majority of Americans support the Dream Act, teachers, business leaders and members of both parties support it. Both Republicans and Democrats have an opportunity to put politics aside and do the right thing – pass the Dream Act by Christmas.”


United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation, a powerful network made up of over 400,000 members and 48 affiliate organizations across 26 states. UWD’s vision is to build a multi-racial, multi-ethnic movement of young people who organize and advocate at the local and national levels for the dignity and justice of immigrants and communities of color in the United States. You can find more about UWD online at