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United Farm Workers’ Take Our Jobs Update September 24, 2010

United Farm Workers’ Take Our Jobs
Update September 24, 2010

Our nation’s struggling economy has fueled an increasingly ugly debate on immigration policy.  Many Americans believe undocumented workers are taking jobs from U.S. citizens and legal residents. There are movements afoot to remove them from the country.

To address the issue, the United Farm Workers initiated the "Take Our Jobs" campaign. We invite citizens and legal residents to apply for jobs on farms across the country.

Since we launched the "Take Our Jobs" more than three million people have visited our web site, Of those visitors, 8,600 have expressed an interest in seeking employment as farm workers.  

Despite these numbers, only seven people have taken us up on the offer to take a job in agriculture.  Today, we are actively trying to help 368 people interested in becoming farm workers.  Sadly, we have received an equal number of hate emails.

These numbers demonstrate that there are more politicians and finger-pointers interested in blaming undocumented farm workers for America’s unemployment crisis then there are unemployed Americans who are willing to harvest and cultivate America’s food.

We remain committed to helping sincere job-seekers. And will do so until every one of them gets the help they deserve and we can provide.  

Cesar Chavez is remembered for the expression, "Si Se Puede."  But those of us who worked with him remember his commitment to help people "one by one by one."  We continue our work in that spirit and in his memory.