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Sept. 20, 21 & 22 in Bakersfield: Hundreds of farm workers gather to mark organizing victories on both coasts at UFW convention

Bakersfield, Calif.—Hundreds of agricultural workers and supporters will hail a recent string of organizing triumphs in California and New York State when they assemble for the United Farm Workers’ 22nd Constitutional Convention held over three days on the weekend of Sept. 20, 21 and 22 at the Mechanics Bank Convention Center in Kern County, where the iconic union began recruiting field laborers into its ranks 62 years ago. Delegates selected by fellow workers at companies under union contract will convene at the quadrennial meeting chaired by UFW President Teresa Romero to review progress, set union goals and elect UFW officers.

The UFW fought over two years for a 2022 law letting farm workers vote in a union free from intimidation and retaliation. After a grueling 24-day, 335-mile peregrinacion or march up the Central Valley to Sacramento during the searing heat of summer, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the union-sponsored measure. The UFW insisted that given the chance to vote freely and safely, farm workers would choose the union. Since late last year, the UFW has been certified by the state Agricultural Labor Relations Board as bargaining representative for farm workers at five companies across California after a series of union election victories, with more anticipated.

Negotiations are underway with four of the farms. Those victories include:
—Vieira Agricultural Enterprises LLC in Atwater with approximately 1,200 sweet potato employees.
—DMB Packing in Merced County with about 450 fresh tomato workers.
—Olive Hill Greenhouses in Fallbrook with 75 nursery laborers.
—Ho Sa Gai Farms Inc. in Bakersfield with about 125 Chinese vegetable workers.
—Wonderful Nurseries LLC in Kern County with some 640 nursery workers.

Since last year, the UFW also scored impressive progress on the other side of the continent in New York State where the union has been certified by the state Public Employment Relations Board following votes for the UFW by farm workers at six farms under a similar law passed there in 2019, also with more victories expected. The New York companies are:

—Wafler Farms (apples, Wolcott, N.Y.).
—Porpiglia Farms (apples, Marlboro, N.Y.).
—Cahoon Farms (apples, Wolcott, N.Y.).
—A&J Kirby Farms (apples, Albion, N.Y.).
—Lynn-ette & Sons Farms Inc. (vegetables, Kent, N.Y.).
—Cherry Lawn Fruit Farms LLC (Wolcott, N.Y.).

Together they employ about 600 workers. Contract negotiations are underway with some of the farms and the UFW has invoked arbitration at four of them under the state farm labor law.

Members of organizing committees at farms where the UFW has won elections and is bargaining will be present at the convention in addition to delegates from union contract companies.

In the midst of these gains, the UFW’s Teresa Romero in May received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Biden at a White House ceremony. She is the first Latina to lead a national union in the United States.

Although farm workers are excluded from the right to unionize at the federal level, the UFW is the oldest, largest, and longest-running agricultural worker union in the United States, representing thousands of farm workers in California, Oregon, Washington, and New York. The UFW protects farm workers regardless of immigration status, and includes among its membership U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, undocumented immigrants, H-2A visa holders, and recent asylum seekers.

All journalists interested in attending the UFW convention must RSVP to for registration and press credentials. 

UFW sessions will take place at:
Mechanics Bank Convention Center
1001 Truxtun Ave.
Bakersfield, Calif. 93301