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UFW Files New Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against Wonderful Nurseries

Visalia, CA – On March 26th, the United Farm Workers (UFW) filed an Unfair Labor Charge (ULP) with the Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB) against Wonderful Nurseries. The ULP charges that Wonderful Nurseries is coercing workers into attending an anti-union demonstration in Visalia. 

According to the charge, workers at Wonderful Nurseries have been told by management or their agents that workers will be stopped from working and told to travel to a company-approved demonstration against the UFW outside the ALRB’s office in Visalia on Wednesday, March 27th. The charge states that workers were warned that those who refused would be exposed as UFW supporters and that they would have to “face” the consequences. This effort to intimidate pro-union workers and coerce workers into attending this company-instigated anti-union demonstration is a gross violation of farm worker’s labor rights.

This is the 5th Unfair Labor Practice charge filed with the ALRB against Wonderful Nurseries since the UFW began its successful campaign to win majority support among workers at Wonderful Nurseries.

Previous ULP charges allege Wonderful Nurseries has:

  • Subjected workers to illegal captive audience meetings;
  • Coerced employees into signing an anti-union petition;
  • Circulated anti-union flyers in the workplace; and
  • Interfered with employee rights by spreading disinformation about the union.

“Workers at Wonderful Nurseries want what we all want: fair wages, good benefits, respect from management, an end to favoritism and disparate treatment, and basic dignity on the job,” said UFW Vice President Erika Navarrete.  “Having won a union certification, Wonderful Nurseries workers have the right to negotiate their union contract. The employer is attempting to overturn the certification workers earned with a campaign of lies and intimidation – denying workers the opportunity to bargain in good faith for the benefits and improvements that will come with a union contract. These workers just want to make Wonderful Nurseries a wonderful place to work.”

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