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Gerawan Worker Stories

Jorge Aguirre

Blanca Cruz

Guadalupe Martinez

Robert Zamudio

Fidel Garcia

Primitivo Gutierrez


ALRB issues ruling to implement UFW contract; Gerawan refuses to comply

We just heard great news for more than 5,000 farm workers employed at Gerawan Farming–one of the world’s biggest fruit growers. Workers at Gerawan voted for the United Farm Workers, but haven’t yet benefited from a union contract, as the company continues to fight the workers’ decision ferociously.

You’ll soon see where we need your immediate financial help:  After the UFW and Gerawan were unable to reach agreement on the full contract, Gerawan was ordered in April by the state farm labor board (ALRB) to engage in mandatory mediation. This resulted in the mediator establishing a 3-year contract with wage increases, bonuses, and numerous worker protections. Gerawan employees and the negotiating committee are very excited about the mediator’s report and solidly stand behind it.

The good news: Workers just received word that the ALRB approved the mediator’s report. By law, it should immediately become a contract.   

The bad news: Gerawan is trying to delay the contract — again! They indicated they do not intend to abide by the ordered contract. Typical.  The ALRB Regional Director found that Gerawan helped orchestrate decertification efforts at its farm. The violations were so outrageous that last Wednesday, the UFW turned in 1,410 pages of objections to the decertification election that included 96 declarations documenting the company involvement. MORE