Keep Me in the Loop!

UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms

Sunday at 11 a.m. in Livingston: UFW members’ sons and daughters will be awarded $1,000 ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships

Livingston, Calif.— Proud farm workers protected by United Farm Workers contracts will look on as UFW National Executive Board Member Erika Navarrete presents $1,000 ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships to each of two recipients whose parents are UFW members at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017 in Livingston. The recipients are Juan Aleman Chavez and Maria Luisa Vera. This is one of three similar ceremonies being held across California.

Juan Aleman Chavez is the son of Maria C. Aleman, a UFW member at Foster Farms Inc. Juan is a junior at the University of California, Berkeley. This is his first year as a ¡Si Se Puede!®  scholarship recipient.

Maria Luisa Vera is the daughter of Martin and Monica De Vera Gasca, both UFW members at Foster Farms. Maria is a junior at California State University, Stanislaus. This is her first year as a ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarship recipient.

The scholarship program was established by union members to support students who demonstrate a commitment to completing their educations in spite of financial hardships. The awards are intended to help them achieve their educational goals and can be applied towards any education-related costs, including textbooks, lab fees, uniforms and other expenses. The ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships are made possible by generous commitments from the UFW membership.

Other awards ceremonies under the UFW scholarship program are taking place in Madera and Salinas.

Who: UFW National Executive Board Member Erika Navarrete, two children of union members who are recipients of UFW scholarships, their family members, union members and retirees.

What: Presentation of $1,000 ¡Si Se Puede!®  scholarships made available by contributions from UFW members under union contracts.

When:  11 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017.

Where: UFW Regional Office, 1472 B Street, Suite D, Livingston 95334.

