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UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms

Son and Daughter of farm worker receive UFW ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships

Stockton, Calif.-Proud United Farm Workers members protected by union contracts will look on as UFW San Joaquin Valley Regional Director Antonio Cortes presents $1,000 scholarships each of two children of union members at 6:30 p.m. on Friday in Stockton. Two similar ceremonies are being held in Salinas and Livingston. The Stockton recipients are Israel Rocha and Grace Tairy Tagle Solis..


Israel Rocha’s mother is Maria Rocha a farm worker at Pacific Triple E Tomato Company. Israel is a senior at California State University Fresno, pursuing a major in public health administration. This is the second year Israel has received the ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarship award.


Grace Tairy Tagle Solis father is Jose Luis Tagle Jr. a UFW member at Saramark Construction Co. Grace is a freshman at Sacramento State University, majoring in biology. This is her first year as a recipient of the ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarship award.


The scholarship program was established by union members to support students who demonstrated a commitment to completing their education in spite of financial hardships. These awards are intended to help them achieve their educational goals and can be applied towards any education-related costs, including textbooks, lab fees, uniforms and other expenses associated with their studies. The ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarships are made possible by generous commitments from the union membership.


Who: UFW San Joaquin Valley Regional Director Antonio Cortes, the son and daughter of union members receiving UFW scholarships, their family members, other union members and retirees, and UFW staff.


What: Presentation of ¡Si Se Puede!®  Scholarships made possible by contributions from UFW members under union contracts.


When: 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m., Friday, Aug. 24, 2018.


Where: The Metro,- 115 North Sutter St., Stockton, 95202