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UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms

United Farm Workers, Indivisible WA-8, other organizations rally outside Schultz Seattle book tour stop

WHO: United Farm Workers (UFW), Indivisible WA-8, activists and allies
WHEN: January 31, 2019 6:00 pm
WHERE: Moore Theater, 1932 Second Street, Seattle

Activists and allies from the United Farm Workers (UFW) will be joined by local grassroots activists from Indivisible WA-8 outside a Seattle book tour event for Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks. They’re protesting his publicity-studded “exploration” of an independent presidential campaign.

UFW has been reaching out to Starbucks and their major shareholders for years, asking them to hold a major dairy supplier accountable for wage theft, sexual harassment, retaliation and other troubling labor issues on Darigold-member farms in eastern Washington. Dairy workers and activists from Yakima Valley will be traveling to Seattle to make their voices heard.

Their message is simple: if Schultz hasn’t felt accountable to the dairy workers who helped build Starbucks profits, how would he feel accountable to his constituents as an elected official?

Invidivisible WA-8 also refers to Schultz’ accountability, saying “We organized this rally to show that it’s not just, as he said, the ‘party establishment’ who oppose this, it’s grassroots folks from his hometown.” In a Twitter post announcing their action they warned that “Indivisibles from across the nation will be holding you accountable.” (@Indivisible_WA8)

More information about UFW’s concern with labor rights and working conditions can be found at

UFW, Indivisible and other local activists will gather:

Thursday, Jan 31, 6:00 pm
Moore Theater
1932 Second Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101