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Save the Date: UFW’s 50th Anniversary Convention

On September 30, 1962, the first convention of the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA)was convened with hundreds of delegates assembled in an abandoned movie theater in Fresno. The group’s distinctive flag, a black eagle symbol on a white circle in a red field, is unveiled.

Fifty years later, the NFWA, now known as the United Farm Workers (UFW), founded by Cesar Chavez, is celebrating its 50th Anniversary from May 17th-20th, 2012 in Bakersfield, CA.

The UFW continues to be at the forefront of protecting America’s farm workers and ensuring a safe and just food supply. The 50th Anniversary Convention will be a historic event, attended by thousands of farm workers from California, Oregon, Washington, Florida and Texas. These workers will be joined by many friends and supporters who have also been advocates of Latino and farm worker civil rights. The convention will also be attended by many well known and high level leaders from throughout the country.

The Convention delegates will elect UFW leaders and prepare to take on the major challenges facing Latinos and farm workers.

Please visit this page often. We will be posting updates as we get closer to the event.