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San Jose, Calif, June 22: Kris Kristofferson and Los Tex-Maniacs/Mingo Saldivar Concert

Kris Kristofferson and Los Tex-Maniacs/Mingo Saldivar Concert
June 22nd
San Jose Convention Center
150 West San Carlos St.
San Jose, CA 95110.

For more information or to buy tickets go to or call 800-745-3000 or purchase in person San Jose Convention Center

Friend Supporter-$1,000
•    Assemblymember Nora Campos
•    Chavez Family Vision
•    Congressman Mike Honda
•    State of California Senator Joe Simitian
•    South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council

Bronze Supporter-$2,500

•    Center for Employment and Training
•    Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese
•    Saggau & DeRollo LLC
•    San Jose Pacific Printing