Keep Me in the Loop!

UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms

Resolution Si Se Puede Spirit


19th Constitutional Convention of the
United Farm Worker of America
May 18 – 20, 2012
Bakersfield, California

Presented by the Union Executive Board of the United Farm Workers

WHEREAS, Farm Workers and its leaders over the past 50 years, have relied upon the strength and determination of ordinary people willing to do ordinary tasks,

WHEREAS, Farm Workers and its leaders have been willing to confront difficult challenges and develop new models and strategies of how to overcome powerful opposition,

WHEREAS, Farm Workers and its leaders have engaged in new strategies and philosophies such as fasting, marches, boycotts, vigils,  prayer, street theater, arts, music and other non violent methods to bring about gains for those who harvest our food,

WHEREAS, Farm Workers have inspired millions of people throughout the past five decades to participate in a social movement to create a fair and equitable society for working families,

WHEREAS, Farm Workers have developed numerous chants such as Viva la Causa, Non Violence is Our Strength, Viva la Huelga, Si Se Puede, utilized by international and national leaders and people from all walks of life to galvanize support for their causes,

WHEREAS, Farm Workers throughout their history have found the determination and will to rebound from countless attempts to destroy their movement

THEREFORE, be it resolved at this 19th Constitutional Convention that we will continue to embody the spirit of the pioneers of the Farm Workers Movement to innovate

THEREFORE, be it further resolved that the members at this Convention and those of future generations will strive to achieve a society which respects and embraces the dignity of the men and women that put food on our tables thru their daily work and sacrifice,

THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Movement continues to attract women and men who rebel against the injustices and refuse to tolerate the inequality of those who labor in the fields to nourish our bodies, minds and souls.
Si Se Puede!