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UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms

Resolution Empowerment of Women and Immigrants


19th Constitutional Convention of the
United Farm Worker of America
May 18 – 20, 2010
Bakersfield, California

Presented by the Union Executive Board of the United Farm Workers


WHEREAS, women throughout history have been marginalized, discriminated and underrated which minimizes their opportunities to be considered as leaders in society and in the workplace; and

WHEREAS, the problems facing all women in different situations include violations of their rights and dignity, few economic resources and cultural issues during daily life; and

WHEREAS, we believe the principles of equality in women need to implement a true process for their inclusion of equality in society; and

WHEREAS, although women are often the majority in their worksites, their ability to perform is seldom recognized due to lack of support; and

WHEREAS, women make contributions to the progress of civilization in spite of their responsibilities as a citizen and in life as a woman.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the delegates sitting in the 19th Constitutional Convention honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the Union, recognizes that the leadership of the UFW, at both the international and local levels, including in the membership units, should always reflect the gender and diversity of the membership and that there be a process in the Uniform Rules to make this happen; and

THEREFORE, be it further resolved the UFW remains strongly committed to the empowerment of women and the diversity in the workforce to obtain power in dealing with employers and other institutions.