Ernesto sent us this video from Wasco California, ...

Marisol is from Bakersfield CA and she's proud to ...

Maribel, a blueberry worker says, "This March 31st...

Aurelia & her coworkers just won a UFW contract in...

Carina works in Oxnard, CA harvesting strawberries...

Alberto is a Madera area farm worker. He says, I w...

Gia shared this vid of farm workers harvesting cel...

¡Acompáñanos en la transmisión en vivo de la 2...

Guillermo's worked under a ufw contract for 20 yea...

Gabriel harvests grapes in Bakersfield CA: I thank...

Weeding a lettuce field is hard work. Swinging a ...

Guillermina's harvested CAs grapes, blueberries, c...