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Raspberry workers vote for UFW at Watsonville ranch with over 500 employees; workers look forward to their first union contract

Central Coast raspberry workers voted on Wednesday, Aug. 9 to be represented by the United Farm Workers during a union representation election conducted by the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB). Farm workers at Watsonville-based Premiere Raspberries LCC, with over 500 employees, voted 269 for the UFW and 236 for no-union.

UFW Vice President Lauro Barajas, the union’s Central Coast regional director, said, “We hope the ALRB quickly certifies the election results. The newly formed UFW bargaining committee at Premiere Raspberries looks forward to negotiating their first union contract and having a productive relationship with the company where workers and company can work together for the benefit of all. We invite other farm workers to join the United Farm Workers in bringing in the union and improving pay and working conditions. Si Se Puede!
