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Novel feature helps capture people’s history at UFW 50th anniversary convention in Bakersfield

Novel feature helps capture people’s history at
UFW 50th anniversary convention in Bakersfield

A unique feature at the United Farm Workers’ 50th anniversary convention in Bakersfield on May 19-20 will record individual stories of those who worked over five historic decades with Cesar Chavez and the iconic union. In addition to farm worker delegates from ranches under union contract, the gathering at the Rabobank Convention Center will draw 1960s veterans plus many others who over subsequent years also organized, picketed, marched and boycotted.
Booths equipped with computer terminals at the convention hall will help capture their history through a unique interactive website,, the union has launched. People can enter stories of any length and take a photo or post a memento that will be uplinked on the new UFW website. Staff will help the less technologically savvy record their stories for prosperity.
Countless men and women rallied to the farm workers’ cause between 1962, and today, including 17 million who boycotted grapes, according to a 1975 nationwide poll. The UFW asks them to share what they did, and are still doing, for farm workers in this official location that records and preserves these stories.
Stories need not involve momentous events. They can be tales of countless every-day acts of selflessness and support that allowed the UFW to succeed where others failed for 100 years to organize farm workers. This novel website acknowledges people whose important contributions are often ignored or forgotten.
After posting their stories, visitors to the website can read accounts and view the photos and mementos of others who took part in this important part of America’s history. The unique capabilities of the website also let people share their accounts—and others’ stories—on Facebook, Twitter & Google+. UFW veterans can add their story by visiting
Who:    Participants and supporters of the UFW attending the UFW’s 50th anniversary convention.

What:    Recording and uplinking their stories onto through computer terminals at booths.

When: Saturday and Sunday, May 19 & 20, 2012.

Where: Rabobank Convention Center, 1001 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301
*The UFW’s 50th Anniversary Convention and Awards dinner is sponsored by Chevron, Southern California Gas Co., AT&T, Budweiser, Southwest Airlines, OPEIU and LatinPointe.