03/24/2004 Kennedy, Craig, UFW, growers all say bipartisan AgJobs bill is immigration plan with the best chance this year & Arturo S. Rodriguez statement
02/24/2004 Teresa Kerry brings husband’s campaign to hundreds of farm workers, UFW activists
02/11/2004 Dozens of fired Central Coast flower workers take pre-Valentine’s Day appeal for state help to Sacramento
02/01/2004 Cesar Chavez-founded UFW backs Kerry, citin ‘shared vision’ of helping Latinos ‘achieve the decent life America promises’
01/13/2004 UFW demands environmental scrutiny of Gallo’s Monterey vineyard plant
01/07/2004 United Farm Workers Response to President Bush Immigration Address
12/14/2003 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President,United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Services for Father Bill O’Donnell, December 14, 2003—Berkeley, Calif
12/04/2003 Remarks by Douglas Blaylock, JDLC Administrator
12/04/2003 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President, UFW, AFL-CIO
12/04/2003 Biography: Francisco Flores Martinez
12/04/2003 Biography: Francisco Flores Martinez
12/04/2003 Retired 92-year-old farm worker will get $76,891 pension check; UFW appeals to workers who don’t know they qualify
11/22/2003 Chronology on the farm workers’ latest battle with Gallo of Sonoma
11/22/2003 Hundreds march urging Matt Gallo to stop denying health benefits for 75% of his workers or face new Gallo boycott
11/22/2003 UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez Statement
10/14/2003 UFW opposes environmental permit for Threemile Canyon Farms
10/03/2003 UFW and Bustamante organizing ‘no’ on recall grass roots drive among Latino voters across the state
09/23/2003 Agriculture – Farm Worker Compromise Summary
09/23/2003 Chronology of Farm Worker Legalization Agreement Between United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO and Leaders of the Agricultural Industry
09/23/2003 Farm Worker Movement offices to contact re: legalization
09/23/2003 Granting ‘freedom from fear [for] the hardest working, lowest-paid tax-paying workers in America’
09/15/2003 Farm workers at Washington state’s largest dairy denounce U.S. subsidies backing anti-union activities
09/07/2003 Bustamante joins hundreds of farm workers from across state planning all-out drive in recall election
08/31/2003 Saturday & Sunday at Fresno Convention Center – UFW’s Labor day weekend convention marks union’s 40th anniversary as farm workers await Gov. Davis decision on historic bill