News Releases Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 08/03/2004 Statement from Arturo S. Rodriguez, President, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Unveiling 25,000-name Petition, Aug. 3, 2004–Los Angeles & Healdsburg, Calif. 08/03/2004 UFW boosts stakes in Gallo of Sonoma contract battle with 25,000-name petition, new web site & full-page ad 08/02/2004 Letter to area table grape growers from United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez 08/02/2004 UFW’s Rodriguez and family of dead Giumarra worker urge grape growers to act voluntarily to prevent deaths 07/30/2004 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Salinas Valley March for Immigration Reform—Soledad, Calif. 07/27/2004 Farm workers picketing Cheney over White House blocking Senate vote on bipartisan AgJobs bill 07/18/2004 Portersville – Farm workers march by hundreds against immigration intimidation, for AgJobs bill 07/18/2004 Watsonville – Farm workers march by hundreds for AgJobs bill 07/16/2004 White House, Congressional inaction on bipartisan AgJobs, DREAM Act bills discussed by U.S. labor, ethnic leaders 07/11/2004 Farm workers march by hundreds against immigration intimidation, for AgJobs bill 07/09/2004 Move beyond rhetoric to action, UFW’s Rodriguez will urge President Bush 07/08/2004 Give farm workers a vote on AgJobs,UFW urges Sen. Frist & White House 07/02/2004 Farm workers march in Arvin against immigration raids, for earned legalization 07/02/2004 Hundreds walking final day of farm workers’ 5-day Salinas Valley march protesting immigration raids and building support for earned legalization bill 07/01/2004 Farm workers march for two days in Ventura County to protest immigration raids and push for earned legalization 07/01/2004 Farm workers rally in Reedley against immigration raids, for earned legalization 06/29/2004 Farm workers’ five-day march up the Salinas Valley to protest immigration raids and push for earned legalization 06/28/2004 OR Dairy workers win $70,000 settlement 06/21/2004 Oregon AFL-CIO Passes Resolution in Support of Threemile Canyon Farms Organizing Campaign 06/13/2004 Hundreds to march for legalization and driver’s licenses 06/02/2004 Community, Labor, Faith-Based Leaders to Back New Driver’s License and Road Safety Bill 05/29/2004 Dozens to human billboard at Gallo of Sonoma’s tasting room 05/15/2004 UFW President Arturo Rodriguez keynotes Brawley Democratic dinner 05/13/2004 Washington’s new medical monitoring identifying a large number of exposed farm workers 03/28/2004 Thousands walk to honor Cesar Chavez « Previous1…5152535455…66Next »