News Releases Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 03/24/2005 UFW stands with Florida ag chief appointed by Gov. Bush embracing AgJobs immigration reform bill 03/17/2005 U.S. farm labor unions protect guest workers, push immigration changes before Bush-Fox meeting in Texas 03/17/2005 Community activists denounce pending election reform legislation that could disenfranchise Latinos voters 03/17/2005 UFW applauds Senate Democrats for killing bill exempting most state growers from health and safety inspections 03/10/2005 Hundreds protest Gallo of Sonoma by forming ¡®human billboard’ along Santa Monica Blvd. 02/10/2005 Statement by United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez from Capitol Hill news conference announcing the reintroduction of the AgJobs immigration reform bill 02/10/2005 UFW helps reintroduce historic AgJobs bill with events in D.C., California, Texas and Washington state 11/09/2004 Retired farm worker to get more than $11,000 in pension checks; UFW appeals to workers who may not know they qualify 10/24/2004 Oregon and Florida farm workers join in protest of work place abuses 09/24/2004 Thursday & Friday in Bakersfield & Fresno: Farm workers hold candlelight vigils for AgJobs bill being blocked by President Bush 09/24/2004 Women File Lawsuit Against State’s Largest Dairy for Sex Discrimination Denounce Taxpayer Support for Discriminatory Employer 09/20/2004 Monday to Friday, Greenfield to Watsonville: Farm workers fast for AgJobs bill being blocked by President Bush 09/17/2004 Friday in Madera: Farm workers march for AgJobs bill being blocked by President Bush 09/17/2004 Retired farm worker to get more than $12,000 in pension checks; UFW appeals to workers who may not know they qualify 09/13/2004 Retired farm worker to get more than $32,000 in pension checks; UFW appeals to workers who may not know they qualify 09/10/2004 Reedley: Farm workers march for AgJobs bill being blocked by President Bush 09/02/2004 Salinas: UFW and community leaders urge Gov. Schwarzenegger to sign road safety bill 09/01/2004 Fresno: UFW and community leaders urge Gov. Schwarzenegger to sign road safety bill 08/29/2004 Summary of UFW convention (complete with highlight report, links to major speeches, press releases and newspaper clips) 08/28/2004 First grower speaks at UFW convention on Sunday; AFL-CIO Pres. Sweeney, Senate leader Burton, Assembly Speaker Nunez on Saturday 08/28/2004 Three women, veteran organizers or former farm workers, elected to the UFW’s executive board 08/17/2004 With Giumarra worker’s death from heat exposure confirmed, not one grower answers UFW’s call for voluntary action 08/17/2004 Statement by UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez : GIVE FARMWORKERS A VOTE ON AGJOBS, UFW URGES SEN. FRIST & WHITE HOUSE 08/17/2004 AgJOBS: What Latinos Can Do Now to Pass Bipartisan, Broad-based Immigration Reform 08/13/2004 KERN COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT CORONER DIVISION NEWS RELEASE re: Death of Jose Valdivia-Reynoso « Previous1…5051525354…66Next »