News Releases Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 11/07/2005 SEIU, UFW, CTW presidents join activists billboarding against initiatives in East L.A. 11/04/2005 UFW, Latinos, Wilcox: Sen. Kyl shares blame for AZ farm labor shortage crisis 10/04/2005 Valley table grape grower will pay $1.7 million to settle suit over work without pay 09/14/2005 Farm workers and supporters toast the UFW’s new contract with Gallo 09/12/2005 Grape workers ask ALRB to investigate threats and intimidation by Giumarra 08/31/2005 Grape worker grievances fuel biggest field organizing drive since 1970s 08/02/2005 Services for Constantino Cruz, 5th valley farm worker to die from heat in July 08/02/2005 UFW hails ‘historic breakthrough for farm workers’ 07/23/2005 Memorial service for Salud Zamudio Rodriguez, farm worker who died last week from the heat 07/22/2005 UFW demands higher wages as hundreds of low-paid table grape workers takes to the streets 07/19/2005 Gallo Internet boycott goes ‘viral’ before July 21 talks 07/18/2005 Gallo boycott events in Bay Area and cross country before July 21 talks 07/18/2005 After second farm worker dies from heat, UFW calls on governor and lawmaker for emergency action 07/17/2005 1,000-plus farm workers, supporters march for “No Gallo!” 4 days before contract talks resume 06/23/2005 UFW backs AB 19; Chavez granddaughter links Gallo boycott and gay marriage fights 06/14/2005 NEW GALLO BOYCOTT KICKOFF MEDIA PACKET 06/14/2005 UFW response to ALRB complaint against UFW issued June 14, 2005, the same day the Gallo wine boycott was declared 05/07/2005 Farm Workers Mourn Miguel Contreras 04/22/2005 Farm workers, activists march for AgJobs bill after U.S. Senate vote shows majority backing 04/19/2005 UFW: ‘solid bipartisan support’ for AgJobs in Senate 04/12/2005 100 travel from Salinas to deliver petitions to state Capitol urging ‘save our libraries’ in John Steinbeck’s blue-collar home town 04/04/2005 Statement Upon the Passing of Pope John Paul II From the Farm Workers Movement 04/02/2005 Thousands walk to honor Cesar Chavez 03/29/2005 Chavez granddaughter, Councilman McCarty join Hiram Johnson high schoolers at a noontime rally/fast urging governor to preserve farm worker lunch breaks 03/28/2005 Farmworkers Call For Changes To State Unemployment System: Drought Makes Matter Critical! « Previous1…4950515253…66Next »