News Releases Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 02/07/2007 Statement by Arturo Rodriguez, UFW President/UFW Foundation Board Chair to Workers at Freeze Meetings 02/05/2007 Suit Filed to Speed Phase-out of Deadly Pesticides 01/17/2007 UFW fights to ensure all hard-hit California farm workers receive relief from devastating freeze 01/11/2007 New Congress brings new opportunities for UFW to help enact historic AgJOBS bill with local events in California 01/10/2007 New Congress brings new opportunities to enact historic earned legalization for farm workers 12/26/2006 Attorney General to Farm Worker Movement: ‘all the allegations deemed by our office to require investigation were found to be without merit’ 12/16/2006 UFW condemns U.S. immigration raids, urges comprehensive immigration reform 12/06/2006 Cesar Chavez inducted into Calif. Hall of Fame; Chavez family, UFW leader joins Gov. Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver 11/30/2006 Election Victory at Threemile Canyon Farms 11/21/2006 On eve of Thanksgiving, Krug-Mondavi workers turn in more than 17,000 signatures of consumers pledging to support boycott 11/01/2006 Farm workers settle lawsuit for $3.5 million; UFW president and elected officials urge D’Arrigo to also resolve sex and bad-faith bargaining actions 10/06/2006 Settlement announced for Kern County farm worker whose death inspired Gov. Schwarzenegger to issue heat reg. 09/11/2006 UFW unveils Camp Justice, targeting farm workers’ poor pay and conditions 09/01/2006 Two retired farm workers get more than $36,000 in pension checks; UFW appeals to workers who may not know they qualify 08/15/2006 Joint committee hearing 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Capitol: How did support for UFW at largest U.S. table grape company go from 74.5% to 48% in one week? 07/13/2006 A year after four valley farm workers died from extreme heat, new radio ads educate laborers about rights under state rules 07/05/2006 UFW: ‘Complete victory’ in binding mediation law ruling; hope for end to grower resistance in contract talks 06/27/2006 Grape workers demand Giumarras halt crippling and discriminatory practices 06/22/2006 Permanent vigil begins at Napa Valley winery by soon-to-be-fired Krug-Mondavi workers 06/20/2006 FARM WORKER WOMEN TO JOIN EEOC SEX BIAS SUIT AGAINST VALLEY GRAPE GROWER 06/15/2006 Soon-to-be fired Krug-Mondavi workers call for nationwide boycott of wine labels 06/15/2006 CA issues the first permanent heat regulation in the nation; 06/02/2006 Napa Valley wine workers ask Krug-Mondavi to avoid nationwide boycott 05/10/2006 UFW & coalitions that organized rural May 1 protests unveil lobbying drive to enact genuine immigration reform 05/01/2006 Much of California’s fresh fruit and vegetable harvest is shut down today « Previous1…4748495051…66Next »