UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News and Events
- 11/10/1998 Farm labor board expected to uphold ruling invalidating strawberry vote
- 11/08/1998 San Diego Union Tribu: 3 decades after Chavez hunger strike, UFW wages old battle
- 11/02/1998 Los Angeles Tim: Where Have We Seen That Centrist Style Before? By GEORGE SKELTON
- 11/02/1998 Celebrities, Latino labor & political leaders form East L.A. ‘human billboard’ line for Davis on day before the election
- 10/17/1998 East L.A. students help turn out new immigrant Latino voters in breakthrough labor drive
- 10/15/1998 San Francisco Chronicle: 4 Part Immigration Seri: NAFTA Gives Mexicans New Reasons to Leave Home
- 10/15/1998 San Francisco Chronicle: 4 Part Immigration Seri: Family Ties Across the Divide: Immigration policies can’t beat networks of relatives
- 10/15/1998 Metro Santa Cruz: IN DEEP WITH THE DOLPHIN GROUP
- 10/15/1998 Metro Santa Cruz: STRAWBERRY SHORT CHANGE: A year ago, the UFW filed suit alleging strawberry growers were providing financial support for ‘worker’ front groups. New evidence totes up grower efforts to keep the UFW out of the fields.
- 10/14/1998 San Francisco Chronicle: 4 Part Immigration Seri: Bordering on Futility: Growers Hire Illegals the Legal Way — With Contractors
- 10/14/1998 San Francisco Chronicle: 4 Part Immigration Seri: Bordering on Futility, Crossing into Rural Poverty: Law sets California towns, migrants adrift
- 10/14/1998 Sacramento B: Photos capture shared mission of Cesar Chavez, RFK
- 10/13/1998 San Francisco Chronicle: 4 Part Immigration Seri: Dreams Don’t Die With Border Crackdowns: Risks are great, but migrants keep crossing
- 10/13/1998 San Francisco Chronicle: 4 Part Immigration Seri: The Other Side of the Law: Despite all U.S. efforts to curb it, immigration is rising
- 10/10/1998 Washington Po: Plenty of Domestic Farm Laborers
- 10/10/1998 Sacramento hosts a unique Kennedy-Chavez photo exhibit; families of the two men mark 30 years since RFK’s assassination
- 10/01/1998 California Journal, 10/98: “Latinos and Jews” Supporting Cesar Chavez’s cause for more than 30 years
- 10/01/1998 Veteran Labor Journalist David Bacon, October, 1998: UFW battles a company union in Watsonville
- 10/01/1998 Press Democr: Roederer workers walk off the job for the second time
- 09/29/1998 Press Democr: Balletto, UFW to sign contract
- 09/23/1998 Press Democr: UFW in at Roederer winery
- 09/23/1998 San Francisco Examin: Vineyard workers vote for the UFW
- 09/21/1998 Vineyard workers hand UFW first election victory in Mendocino Co.
- 09/18/1998 Press Democr: Wine workers at Roederer vote Monday
- 09/18/1998 Associated Pre: Growers and workers clash over reports of labor shortage