UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 05/23/2017 ABC10 (CA): Bracero programs: A brief history of America’s migrant farm workers legislation
- 05/23/2017 Eater: A New Proposal Could Protect Farmworkers From Deportation
- 05/22/2017 Capital and Main: David Bacon’s Portraits of “Invisible” Farmworkers
- 05/22/2017 Civil Eats: New ‘Blue Card’ Proposal Would Protect Farmworkers from Deportation
- 05/22/2017 Washington Post: Energy and Environment EPA remains top target with Trump administration proposing 31 percent budget cut
- 05/21/2017 San Luis Obispo Tribune (CA): Agriculture and safe working conditions are important for all of us.
- 05/20/2017 Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA): Takashi Mizuno: Pesticide companies not welcome near schools
- 05/20/2017 Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA): Takashi Mizuno: Pesticide companies not welcome near schools
- 05/19/2017 KESQ (CA): Community remembers fallen CHP officer, Saul Martinez, 20 years later
- 05/19/2017 Democracy Now!: VIDEO: Migrant Farmworkers May Have Been Sickened by Toxic Greenlighted by EPA Under Trump
- 05/18/2017 LULAC Facebook Live: Conversation with representatives from Earthjustice and UFW on harmful pesticides and how they negatively impact farmworkers, our children, and our community
- 05/18/2017 Safety+Health magazine: EPA announces 12-month delay of pesticide-handler rule
- 05/18/2017 Carbonated tv: Trump Administration Has Become A Nightmare For Immigrant Farmworkers
- 05/18/2017 Tehachapi News (CA): Visitor Guide: The National Cesar E. Chavez Center
- 05/18/2017 NJ Spotlight : Assembly Panel Looks to Ban Pesticide OK’d by Trump Administration
- 05/17/2017 The Guardian: Pesticide that Trump’s EPA refused to ban blamed for sickening farm workers
- 05/17/2017 El Ticolote: Pesticide OK’d by Trump admin endangers farmworkers
- 05/17/2017 Grist: A week after 50 farmworkers were sickened by pesticides, the EPA punts on protecting them
- 05/16/2017 Washington Post: EPA asked the public which regulations to gut — and got an earful about leaving them alone
- 05/16/2017 Southwest Farm Press: EPA puts the brakes on CPA worker protection rule; move draws pro and con responses
- 05/16/2017 L.A. Weekly (CA): A New Stage History of the United Farm Workers Fails to Crack the Enigma of Cesar Chavez
- 05/16/2017 Digital Journal: EPA OK’s nasty pesticide – Now 12 farmworkers have been poisoned
- 05/15/2017 Mother Jones: Trump’s EPA greenlights a nasty chemical. A month later, it poisons a bunch of farmworkers
- 05/15/2017 NY Times: A Strong Case Against a Pesticide Does Not Faze E.P.A. Under Trump