UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 04/18/2008 Sacramento Bee: UFW signs pact with Mexican state for guest workers on U.S. farms
- 04/18/2008 Fox Business Change to Win Leaders March for Workers’ Rights
- 04/17/2008 Palm Beach Post, Special Report: Farm Workers & Peticides including
- 04/17/2008 Palm Beach Post: Ag-Mart to pay for limbless child’s needs; Deal ensures lifetime of care for Carlitos
- 04/15/2008 Salinas Californian: UFW releases its own wines
- 04/14/2008 San Gabriel Valley Tribune: Chavez bill clears Senate
- 04/09/2008 Bakersfield Californian: Farmworkers affected by chemical over spray
- 04/09/2008 KERO ch 23: Pesticides Drift Over Farm Workers Near Lamont
- 04/08/2008 Yakima Herald-Republic: Radio KDNA nearly ready to move into new home
- 04/08/2008 San Francisco Chronicle: Government sued after approving 4 pesticides
- 04/07/2008 Political Affairs Magazine: Photos: The Men Who Live in the Canyon
- 04/07/2008 Central Valley Business Times: EPA sued over pesticides
- 04/07/2008 La Opinion: Realizan una misa en honor a César Chávez
- 04/05/2008 Los Angeles Wave: National campaign launched for Cesar Chavez holiday
- 04/05/2008 Napa Valley Register: UFW workers return to Krug
- 04/04/2008 Washington Post: Chemical Industry’s Influence at EPA Probed
- 04/04/2008 Santa Rosa Press Democrat: UFW wins jobs back at Krug
- 04/04/2008 Central Valley Business Times: UFW reaches labor deal with Charles Krug-Mondavi Winery
- 04/03/2008 Bakersfield Californian: UFW enjoying fruit of its labor with new wines
- 04/02/2008 El Paso Times: Remembering César: Festival celebrates late activist’s birthday
- 04/02/2008 ILCA Online: An Honor Long Due Cesar Chavez
- 04/02/2008 New York Times: Immigration Issues End a Pennsylvania Grower’s Season
- 04/01/2008 Daily Pilot Video: Digging in on Cesar Chavez Day
- 04/01/2008 Univisión: Crece clamor por día de César Chávez (video 1:32)
- 04/01/2008 Daily Pilot: Day in laborer’s shoes