UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 06/24/2010 News 10, ABC Sacramento: UFW offers to train unemployed, legal residents to ‘Take Our Jobs’ (includes video 1:45)
- 06/24/2010 NBC L.A.: United Farm Workers’ Offer: Go Ahead, Take Our Jobs
- 06/24/2010 Naples Daily News: Immigrant farm workers challenge unemployed Americans: Take our jobs
- 06/24/2010 ABC News (AP): Immigrant farm workers’ challenge: Take our jobs
- 06/24/2010 The Texas Tribune: UFW Launches “Take Our Jobs” Initiative
- 06/24/2010 Capital Press: Florez says state should slow approval of methyl iodide
- 06/23/2010 Press Release: ‘Take Our Jobs’ Campaign Calls on Jobless Citizens to Replace Immigrants Farm Workers
- 06/23/2010 McClatchy Newspapers: UFW encouraging legal residents to become farmworkers
- 06/23/2010 San Jose Mercury News: Need a job? UFW offers training for farmwork
- 06/21/2010 PR Newswire (press release): UFW President Arturo Rodriguez Addresses OPEIU’s 25th Convention
- 06/21/2010 Arizona Republic: Arizona schools ignore much Hispanic history
- 06/19/2010 Monterey County Herald: Methyl iodide should be rejected
- 06/18/2010 Ventura County Star: Methyl iodide rules require wide buffer zones, likely deterring use in county
- 06/18/2010 New York Times: Dispute Over Pesticide for California Strawberries Has Implications Beyond State
- 06/18/2010 CBS 5 (San Francisco): California Lawmakers Question Strawberry Pesticide
- 06/18/2010 California Report (blog) (mostly an MP3 audio file): The Fight Over Methyl Iodide, Part 2 (Part 1, June 11)
- 06/18/2010 New York Times Editorial: Another Bad Idea From Arizona
- 06/18/2010 New York Daily News: Arizona’s next illegal immigration target: Babies
- 06/18/2010 New York Times: Justice Dept. Will Fight Arizona on Immigration
- 06/18/2010 CBS News: Senior Official: Obama Administration Will Challenge Arizona Immigration Law
- 06/17/2010 Ventura County Star: Scientists tell state regulators methyl iodide is too toxic to be used on crops
- 06/16/2010 United Auto Workers: UFW leader: Two union histories go hand in hand
- 06/16/2010 Willamette Week (blog): Goodbye to Endosulfan; One Less Pesticide in Your Diet
- 06/15/2010 The Hill: GOP congressman: Spot illegal immigrants by their ‘grooming’ (includes video 2:18)
- 06/15/2010 New York Daily News: Opinion – A repeated call for action: Congress should pass partial immigration reform