UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 07/28/2010 TheCalifornian.com: Schwarzenegger vetoes farmworker overtime bill
- 07/28/2010 The Alyona Show: Video: Immigrants: You Want Our Jobs, Take Em’ (7:17)
- 07/28/2010 The Monitor: Seasonal workers sue agricultural giant
- 07/28/2010 Ventura County Star: Local activists will still make trek to protest in Arizona
- 07/28/2010 Mercury News: Schwarzenegger vetoes farmworker overtime bill
- 07/28/2010 Bakersfield.com: Governor vetoes Florez bill for field worker overtime
- 07/28/2010 ABC 30: Schwarzenegger vetoes farmworker overtime bill (includes video 0:54)
- 07/28/2010 Latina.com: Watch: Black Eyed Pea Taboo’s SB 1070 Protest Song (mostly video of song 4:01)
- 07/28/2010 TheCalifornian.com: The UFW chapter from Salinas is almost in Arizona for protest
- 07/28/2010 Salinas Californian: Arizona immigration law: Sheriff vows to jail immigration protesters
- 07/28/2010 TheCalifornian.com: UFW members in Salinas make final preparations for trip to Arizona
- 07/28/2010 Arizona Republic: Federal judge blocks key parts of SB 1070
- 07/28/2010 CNN: Federal judge blocks part of Arizona immigration law (includes videos 1:27, 2:00, 1:50)
- 07/28/2010 California Majority Report: It Is Time to End Discrimination Against Hard Working Latino Farm Workers
- 07/28/2010 Fox 11 (Phoenix): Judge blocks parts of SB1070
- 07/28/2010 SFGate (Chronicle): Schwarzenegger vetoes farmworker overtime bill
- 07/27/2010 America Magazine (video): Farm Workers to Americans: Take Our Jobs (2:54)
- 07/27/2010 Greenhouse Management & Production: Deep-rooted connections
- 07/27/2010 Washington Independent: Reid Weighs A “Down Payment” Approach To Immigration Reform
- 07/27/2010 Washington Post: Immigrant rights groups adjust focus to passage of AgJobs, Dream Act (includes 10-picture gallery)
- 07/27/2010 Half Moon Bay Review: Farmworkers push for overtime pay
- 07/27/2010 Sacramento Bee: Viewpoints: Latinos and gays face same foe on Nov. 2
- 07/27/2010 TheCalifornian.com: UFW prepares protest against Arizona law
- 07/27/2010 Allvoices: Nurserymen’s Exchange Inc. Lays Off Workforce, Hires Thru. Labor Contractors (includes video 1:40)
- 07/26/2010 Los Angeles Times: Immigration facts, figures — and thoughts