UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 08/21/2010 Yuma (Ariz.) Sun: Grijalva calls for passage of law legalizing farmworkers lacking papers
- 08/21/2010 The Monitor (Texas): Nonprofit organizations strive to increase voter turnout for November elections
- 08/19/2010 Bloomberg Businessweek: Prenatal Pesticide Exposure May Raise Risk of Attention Issues in Kids
- 08/19/2010 KMYA News 11 (Yuma, Ariz.): Ag Jobs Bill
- 08/18/2010 PR Newswire: Studies Link Range of Major Diseases to Pesticides, New Database Launched
- 08/18/2010 Orlando Sentinel: Florida immigration bill is anti-American, advocates say (includes video 0:19)
- 08/18/2010 MS. Magazine: Where Are You Going, Arizona? — Regressive new laws targeting immigrants and others spark nationwide protests
- 08/16/2010 Bakersfield Californian: Immigration law like Arizona’s in California would surely devastate national economy
- 08/15/2010 TamaBay.com: A day as a farm laborer teaches lessons about immigrant jobs
- 08/15/2010 L.A. Times: Monument honors generations of California field workers
- 08/12/2010 MyFoxLA: Concert Celebrates Birthday Activist Dolores Huerta (includes video 5:53)
- 08/12/2010 Voice of America: US Farmers Depend on Illegal Immigrants
- 08/10/2010 Epoch Times: AgJobs Legislation Would Help Undocumented Farm Workers
- 08/09/2010 California Watch: EPA enters debate over toxic strawberry fumigant
- 08/09/2010 Sacramento Bee: Foes of controversial fumigant want federal review
- 08/05/2010 Capital Press: Heat safety improves after death
- 08/04/2010 JewishJournal.com: Welcome to Arizona
- 08/04/2010 SFGate (Chronicle): Feinstein fights methyl iodide crop fumigant
- 08/03/2010 Los Angeles Times: Farmworkers, overtime and days off: A California shame
- 08/03/2010 WorldChanging (blog): Improving Food Worker Livelihoods: An Interview with UFWA’s Erik Nicholson
- 08/03/2010 Latin American Herald Tribune: Farm Workers Seek Justice for Woman Dead of Heat Stroke
- 08/02/2010 BeyondChron (S.F.): Historic Film on Original “Si Se Puede” Campaign Now Available
- 08/02/2010 Bakersfield.com: JOSE GASPAR: In need of a job? Our farm fields are just waiting
- 08/02/2010 NBC Bay Area: A Day in the Life of a Farmworker (includes video 2:50 and slideshow)
- 08/02/2010 NBC Bay Area: Undocumented Family Flees Arizona, Now Here (Bay Area) (includes video 2:37)