UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 09/28/2010 Farm and Dairy: Stephen Colbert brings unique voice to guest worker program on Capitol Hill
- 09/28/2010 The Daily News: Comedian pushes for more legal farmworkers
- 09/28/2010 ABC News, AP: Colbert sparks debate about ‘expert’ celebrities
- 09/28/2010 Monterey Herald: Joe Livernois: Here’s your chance to be a farmworker
- 09/27/2010 The Packer: Fresh Talk Blog — Arturo Rodriguez: look beyond harsh rhetoric (transcript of his testimony before the “Colbert Committee”)
- 09/27/2010 Video 0:51 — Colbert explains why he is advocating for migrant farmworkers
- 09/27/2010 CBS News: Despite Economy, Americans Don’t Want Farm Work
- 09/27/2010 Aurora, Colo., Sentinel: EDITORIAL: America’s sour grapes of wrath
- 09/25/2010 Huffington Post: Colbert Annoys Press Corps . . . Again
- 09/25/2010 Kansas City Star: Photographer George Ballis, who walked with Cesar Chavez, dies at 85
- 09/25/2010 The Nation: Why DC Doesn’t Think Stephen Colbert Is Funny (includes video 5:28)
- 09/25/2010 Sacramento Bee: Photographer George Ballis, who walked with Cesar Chavez, dies at 85
- 09/25/2010 Los Angeles Times: Stephen Colbert heads to Washington, and Congress and media play the jokester
- 09/25/2010 KERO 23 (Kern County, Cal.): Farm Workers Say “Take Our Jobs” — United Farm Workers Continue To Push For Ag Jobs Bill (includes video 1:48)
- 09/25/2010 CBS News: Stephen Colbert Testifies Before Congress on “Vast Experience” as a Migrant Laborer (includes 3 videos: 5:37, 1:52, 1:35)
- 09/24/2010 CBS 13: Brandi Hitt Investigates: Take Our Jobs (includes video 1:45)
- 09/24/2010 Daily Kos: Colbert testifies on immigration reform (includes videos 5:19, 8:12)
- 09/24/2010 New York Times (blog): The Whole Truthiness and Nothing But (includes video 5:19)
- 09/24/2010 Media Report from TVEyes Media Monitoring Suite
- 09/24/2010 National Public Radio, AP: Colbert Tells Congress Farm Work ‘Really Hard’
- 09/24/2010 America’s Voice: Stephen Colbert Testifies Before Congress on Immigration (Take Our Jobs!) (includes videos: 0:51, 5:29, 8:11)
- 09/24/2010 Washington Independent: Immigration and Agriculture: The Non-Colbert Debate
- 09/24/2010 Crooks and Liars: Stephen Colbert and Farmworkers Take Fight To Congress (includes videos 5:47, 8:12)
- 09/24/2010 Grist Magazine: Colbert to Congress: What would Jesus do about migrant farm workers? (includes videos 5:29, 0:51)
- 09/24/2010 Washington Post: Mr. Colbert Goes to Washington (includes video 9:47)