UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 01/25/2011 Common Dreams: EPA Proposes Stronger Protections for People in Pesticide Experiments
- 01/25/2011 KNDO/KNDU (WA): Children of immigration detainees protest outside federal building
- 01/24/2011 North Platte Bulletin (NE): Pesticide drift attracts attention of UNL, new wind tunnel to be built in North Platte
- 01/24/2011 Diamondback Online (UMd): Ethnic studies — Worth fighting for
- 01/22/2011 KSWT 13 (AZ): TUSD argues against ethnic studies finding
- 01/21/2011 Sacramento Bee: Plea deal made in death of pregnant farmworker
- 01/21/2011 Stockton Record (CA): No prison time in teen farm worker’s death
- 01/21/2011 San Francisco Examiner, AP: Plea deal pending in pregnant farmworker’s death
- 01/20/2011 San Jose Mercury News (CA): Plea deal made in death of pregnant farmworker
- 01/20/2011 Ventura County Reporter (CA): County refrains from methyl iodide use, for now
- 01/20/2011 The Packer: Crops & Markets Immigration reform goals downsized
- 01/19/2011 Jackson Clarion Ledger: Mississippi Senate passes immigration status bill
- 01/19/2011 Los Angeles Times: Cardinal Mahony — Putting a human face on the immigrant
- 01/19/2011 The Atlantic blog: The Terminator: Schwarzenegger’s Killer Pesticide by Barry Estabrook
- 01/19/2011 Access Washington State: Agriculture Department issues fines for pesticide violations
- 01/18/2011 Latina Lista: Dairy workers fight to get paid their wages while nation celebrates a legacy yet to be realized for all
- 01/18/2011 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: State is now part of immigrant fingerprinting program
- 01/18/2011 Washington Post: House GOP announces program against illegal immigration
- 01/18/2011 New York Times: After Long Fight, Farmworkers in Florida Win an Increase in Pay
- 01/18/2011 Change.org: Unscrupulous Dairy Boss Threatens to Sue His Farm Workers
- 01/15/2011 Care2 blog: Tucson School Board Won’t Challenge Ethnic Studies Ban
- 01/15/2011 Yuma Sun (AZ): Somerton children to recite famous King speech
- 01/15/2011 Care2: Tucson School Board Won’t Challenge Ethnic Studies Ban
- 01/14/2011 In These Times: In California, Farmworkers Take Strawberry Pesticide to Court
- 01/13/2011 Capital Press: Farmworkers union takes dairy fight to lender