UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 02/08/2011 Arizona Daily Star: Birthright-citizenship bills pulled
- 02/07/2011 Arizona Daily Star: Arizona schools chief sets more time to investigate TUSD’s ethnic studies
- 02/07/2011 USA Today: Exposure to pesticides in womb linked to learning disabilities
- 02/07/2011 La Opinión: Solución incompleta
- 02/07/2011 Politico: Senators look for immigration deal
- 02/07/2011 MomsRising.org: Demand jail time for heat death of 17-year old Maria Isabel
- 02/06/2011 Sacramento Bee: State savings for cutting illegal immigrant services exaggerated
- 02/04/2011 Grist: Putting faces to your food (includes 6-picture gallery)
- 02/04/2011 ABC News Video: ‘Guard’ Asks for Hispanic Family’s ID ‘What Would You Do?’ tackles racial profiling scenario staged in Arizona — ‘What Would You Do?’ tackles racial profiling scenario staged in Arizona
- 02/03/2011 Borderzine: César Chávez’ struggle rings again on the UTEP campus: This is just the beginning, says student leader
- 02/03/2011 Borderzine: César Estrada Chávez: Honoring a humble hero
- 02/03/2011 Change.org: University of Texas-El Paso Refuses to Honor Cesar Chavez Day as a Holiday
- 02/03/2011 Tribune Sentinal (NE): UNL research to focus on pesticide drift
- 02/02/2011 Pacific Northwest Inlander (WA): Farm workers protest working conditions, one wears bovine costume
- 02/01/2011 Change.org: Bosses Who Caused 17-Year-Old Farmworker’s Death Could Get Off
- 01/31/2011 KCPT Video (MO): Focus on ethnic studies and the new law prohibiting it
- 01/31/2011 Change.org: Should the Killers of 17 Year Old Maria Isabel Get Off with a Slap on the Wrist?
- 01/30/2011 Sacramento Bee: All-American hero championed civil rights
- 01/28/2011 Bakersfield Californian: Sun World lays off field workers
- 01/28/2011 Houston Chronicle: UTEP urged to bring back Cesar Chavez day as holiday
- 01/28/2011 El Paso Times: 150 decry UTEP dropping holiday for César Cháve (includes videos)
- 01/28/2011 Mid Columbia Tri-City Herald (WA): Demonstrators object to arrests of illegal immigrants from area
- 01/27/2011 KGET 17 (CA): Hundreds laid off from Sun World (includes video)
- 01/26/2011 KNDO/KNDU (WA): ICE protest meets opposition (includes video)
- 01/26/2011 Web Devil: César E. Chávez Day would educate Arizonans