UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
News Coverage
- 10/18/2011 California Watch: Memo points to industry pressure on pesticide
- 10/14/2011 KQED (CA): Methyl Iodide Opponents Say Approval “Classic Case” of Officials Bowing to Industry; DPR Says “Extensive Evaluation Done”
- 10/14/2011 Arizona Capitol Times: Chavez historical building steps closer to federal recognition
- 10/14/2011 L.A. Stage Times (CA): Begley’s Cesar and Ruben Returns, Revised, and a Grandson of Cesar Chavez Comments
- 10/14/2011 Santa Monica Mirror (CA): Ed Begley’s Reshaped ‘Cesar and Ruben’ opens tonight at Santa Monica College Through Oct. 23
- 10/14/2011 Wall Street Journal, Market Watch: United Farm Workers to Celebrate 50 Years of Service to America’s Workers In 2012
- 10/11/2011 ABC News: California Has New Law to Stop Intimidation of Farmworkers
- 10/10/2011 ABC News: Eva Longoria-Backed Migrant Doc out Tuesday on DVD
- 10/10/2011 Bakersfield Californian: Governor signs compromise farm labor law
- 10/10/2011 San Jose Mercury News (CA): California farmers worry about new pro-union law
- 10/09/2011 Sacramento Bee: Gov. Jerry Brown signs farmworker bill
- 10/09/2011 Central Valley Business Times: Unionization of farmworkers gets protection under new California law
- 10/08/2011 Sacramento Bee: Jerry Brown signs California Dream Act
- 10/06/2011 Mother Jones: Meet The Child Workers Who Pick Your Food (includes video)
- 10/05/2011 The Local (NY): Fort Greene Pastor Retires After 18 Years of Service
- 10/05/2011 Portland Press Herald (ME): Chemical concerns should steer
- 10/04/2011 Ventura County Star (CA): Feinstein pushes five-year guest worker program
- 10/04/2011 Miami Herald: Democrats’ hearing criticizes mandatory E-Verify bill
- 10/03/2011 eNews Park Forest: New Film Reveals Child Farmworkers’ Exposure to Pesticides (includes video)
- 09/30/2011 Forbes: I Love That Episode of The Simpsons! Oh Wait-You Were Talking About Real-Life Immigration Policy (includes video)
- 09/29/2011 Santa Monica Mirror: Santa Monica College To Present Newly Reshaped ‘Cesar and Ruben’ Musical Oct. 14-23
- 09/29/2011 KION TV 46 (CA): Concerns Mounting Over Strawberry Pesticide
- 09/28/2011 Santa Cruz News: Forum on A Fumigant; Local leaders and agencies will discuss the impacts of methyl iodide at a public forum in Salinas Thursday
- 09/28/2011 Mother Jones: Even Organic Strawberries Are Grown With Toxic Fumigants
- 09/27/2011 FOX News Latino: Ads target lawmakers who favor E-Verify