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Livingston: Sons and Daughters of farm worker receive UFW ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships

Sons and Daughters of farm worker receive UFW ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships

 Livingston, Calif.–Proud United Farm Workers members protected by union contracts will look on as UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez and Secretary Treasurer Teresa Romero, present $1,000 scholarships each to four children of union members at 6 p.m. on Wednesday in Livingston. Two similar ceremonies are being held in Delano and Salinas on different days. The Livingston recipients are Miguel Rodriguez, Dulce Gonzalez, Juan Aleman Chavez and Maria Luisa Vera.

Miguel Rodriguez is the son of Alfonso Rodriguez, a, UFW member at Foster Farms. Miguel is a freshman at California State University, Stanislaus, pursuing a major in mathematics. This is his first year as a recipient of the ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarship award.

Dulce Gonzalez is the daughter of Imelda Gonzalez, also a UFW union member at Foster Farms. Dulce too is a freshman at California State University, Stanislaus, pursuing a major in nursing. This is also her first year as a recipient of the ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarship award

Juan Aleman Chavez is the son of Maria Aleman, a UFW member at Foster Farms. Juan is a senior at the University of California, Berkeley, pursuing a major in architecture. This is his second year as a recipient of the ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarship award

Maria Luisa Vera is the daughter of Martin Vera and Monica De Vera Gasca, both UFW members at Foster Farms. Maria is a senior at the California State University, Stanislaus, pursuing a major in nursing. This is her second year as a recipient of the ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarship award.

The scholarship program was established by union members to support students who demonstrated a commitment to completing their education in spite of financial hardships. These awards are intended to help them achieve their educational goals and can be applied towards any education-related costs, including textbooks, lab fees, uniforms and other expenses associated with their studies. The ¡Si Se Puede!® Scholarships are made possible by generous commitments from the union membership.

Who: UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez, UFW Secretary Treasurer Teresa Romero, sons and daughters of union members receiving UFW scholarships, their family members, other union members and retirees, and UFW staff.

What: Presentation of ¡Si Se Puede!®  Scholarships made possible by contributions from UFW members under union contracts.

When: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018.

Where: 1472 B. Street Suite D, Livingston 95334