JDLC Pension Plan
Do you know someone who qualified for the
United Farm Workers
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Among the many achievements of United Farm Workers founder Cesar Chavez was the creation in the 1980s of the nation’s first–and only–functioning pension plan for farm laborers: the Juan de la Cruz Farm Workers Pension Plan. The Plan has paid out benefits in excess of $150 million since inception. The Plan pays benefits to over 4500 retirees and beneficiaries every month.
A farm worker qualifies for the pension plan after working under a UFW contract at least 500 hours in a calendar year for at least five years. The normal retirement age is 65. The earliest age a participant can retire is 55. Pre- and post-retirement surviving spouse benefits are provided.
The amount of monthly pension benefits is determined primarily by the number of years of vesting credits, the number of hours worked in each year and the amount contributed per hour by the employer. The amount of employer contribution is negotiated as a part of their contract with the UFW.
The pension plan was named for Juan de la Cruz, a 60-year old farm worker striker shot to death on a Kern County, Calif. vineyard picket line in 1973.
Addresses often change and it is important for workers to contact the Juan del la Cruz pension plan to see if they qualify. If the plan does not have an accurate address, it may be unable to contact pensioners to notify them.
Also, there are times when farm workers do not realize they have qualified for pension plan benefits. Every month at least one or two retired farmworkers starts benefits at an age older than 65 and receives a retroactive pension payment with interest – these payments are often in the thousands of dollars.
Retired farm workers who believe they, a relative or friend might qualify for the UFW’s Juan de la Cruz Pension Plan should call toll free: 1-800-321-6607, 1-888-735-5352 or fill out the following form.
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