
- Latest UFW Immigration News *Updated regularly
- 3/18/21: UFW & UFW Foundation hail passage of landmark immigration bills ‘emancipating’ farm workers and Dreamers and TPS recipients
- 3/4/21: UFW & UFW Foundation on introduction of bipartisan ag immigration bill: Giving farm workers & growers ‘what they most need and want’
- Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021 (H.R. 1537)
- Lofgren, Newhouse Introduce the Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021
- FACT SHEET: The Farm Workforce Modernization Act: A Bipartisan Bill that Would Provide a Path to
Immigration Status for Agricultural Workers and Revise the H-2A Program
2020 or prior - H.R.5038 – To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for terms and conditions for nonimmigrant workers performing agricultural labor or services, and for other purposes.
- House Approves Right to Earn Legal Status For Undocumented Farm Workers
- Office of US Rep Zoe Lofgren: Bipartisan Farm Workforce Modernization Act Passes House Judiciary Committee
- Farm workers and advocates help forge compromise bill providing legal status to immigrant farm workers during months of tough talks with growers & lawmakers from both parties
- US House of Representatives: Bipartisan House Members Introduce Farm Workforce Modernization Act
- Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019
- Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2017
- Senate Immigration Bill (S.744 Complete Text)
- Senate Immigration Bill (S.744 2 Page Summary)
- Cesar Chavez’s nuanced views on undocumented workers & immigration
- AgJOBS Basic Facts (112 Congress)
- Other Information
Immigration Fact Sheets - Know your rights: Emergency plan in case of deportation of relatives /
Plan de emergencia en caso de deportación de familiares - Know your rights: what to do if immigration knocks on your door/Conozca sus derechos: conozca sus derechos: que hacer si inmigracion toca su puerta
- Know your rights: How to choose a legal representative for immigration case /Como escoger un representante legal para su caso de inmigracion
- DACA Court decision. What does it mean?