UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
Immigration News
- 03/24/2013 Oxnard March Video 5
- 03/24/2013 SEIU Blog: SEIU President Henry joins United Farm Workers for Immigration March
- 03/24/2013 Oxnard March Video 4
- 03/24/2013 Bakersfield Californian (CA): Marching toward immigration reform in downtown Bakersfield
- 03/23/2013 3/23/13 Coachella Cesar Chavez Immigration Reform March — Photos
- 03/23/2013 Hola Ciudad!: Convocan multitudinarias marchas en California para recordar a César Chávez
- 03/23/2013 Yakima Herald (WA): More than 200 march in honor of Cesar Chavez
- 03/23/2013 UFW march in Yakima, WA.
- 03/23/2013 UFW march in Yakima, WA. part 2
- 03/23/2013 Miami Diario: Convocan marchas en California para recordar a César Chávez
- 03/22/2013 Los Angeles Times: Thousands of people marching around the state for a new immigration process
- 03/22/2013 Press Democrat (CA): Santa Rosa immigration march to coincide with Cesar Chavez Day Sunday
- 03/22/2013 Lake Elsinore-Wildomar Patch (CA): Immigration Reform Marches Scheduled This Weekend
- 03/22/2013 La Union de Campesinos celebra el legado de Cesar Chavez con multiples marchas en dos estados de los Estados Unidos.
- 03/22/2013 Associated Press: Senate Gang Of Eight Close On Immigration Reform Deal
- 03/21/2013 Bajo El Sol (AZ): Recordarán legado de César Chávez
- 03/21/2013 Hoy Los Angeles: Marchan en honor a César Chávez
- 03/20/2013 United Farm Workers celebrate Cesar E. Chavez’s legacy with multiple marches in two U.S. states calling for immigration reform
- 03/19/2013 New York Times: G.O.P. Opposition to Immigration Law Is Falling Away
- 03/18/2013 Salinas Cesar Chavez Immigration March invite (video)
- 03/18/2013 Thousands in Oxnard join United Farm Workers in march for immigration reform and celebration of Cesar E. Chavez’s legacy
- 03/18/2013 Univision Noticias: En busca de la reforma migratoria. Activistas piden no bajar la guardia y seguir la presión en Estados Unidos (video)
- 03/18/2013 Dozens of Bakersfield families, students and community leaders to promote upcoming march for immigration reform over the weekend
- 03/18/2013 Miles en Fresno se unen a la Unión de Campesinos en una marcha para una reforma migratoria y a celebrar el legado de Cesar E. Chávez
- 03/18/2013 Miles en Oxnard se unen a la Unión de Campesinos en una marcha para una reforma migratoria y a celebrar el legado de Cesar E. Chávez