UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
Immigration News
- 06/12/2013 KSEE 24 News: United Farm Workers Show Support of Immigration Reform
- 06/12/2013 Capital Press: UFW boosts support for immigration reform
- 06/12/2013 KBAK 29/Bakersfield (CA): Immigration reform supporters turn up efforts in Bakersfield
- 06/12/2013 MSN/EFE: La Unión de Campesinos anuncia movilización en favor de la reforma migratoria
- 06/12/2013 KSBW-TV 8 (CA): Border security at issue in immigration bill
- 06/11/2013 UFW announces campaign to mobilize farm workers, supporters to push for Senate immigration legislation
- 06/11/2013 KSEE-TV 24 (CA): Fresno Co Sheriff Stands Behind President Obama’s Immigration Reform Bill
- 06/10/2013 United Farm Workers leader to join President Obama Tuesday at White House event calling for immigration reform
- 06/08/2013 La Opinion: El largo camino del campesino
- 06/05/2013 Univision Noticias: Se pierden cosechas por redadas y deportaciones
- 05/31/2013 The Hill: Pro-immigrant groups balk at Gang of Eight’s goal of winning 70 votes
- 05/30/2013 NBC Latino: “We transact in hope” – Protestant leaders step up immigration reform ad campaign
- 05/30/2013 Politico: Oprah talks gun control, immigration
- 05/30/2013 National Review: Rubio Eyes Adding Specifics of Enforcement Plan to Immigration
- 05/30/2013 Talking Points Memo: Conservative Icon Calls GOP’s Need To Court Hispanics A ‘Great Myth’
- 05/30/2013 NBC News: For promoters and foes, immigration bill’s larger impact may be felt at the polls
- 05/30/2013 Los Angeles Times: Opponents of immigration reform face changed landscape
- 05/25/2013 El Universal: El sueno de legalizacion de los jornaleros en EU
- 05/25/2013 El Universal (El Mundo): El sueño de legalización de los jornaleros en EU
- 05/21/2013 New York Times: Immigration Overhaul Wins Panel’s Backing in the Senate
- 05/21/2013 Bipartisan immigration reform bill passes in the Senate Judiciary Committee clearing the first major hurdle
- 05/21/2013 Amendments seeking to prevent human trafficking and abuse of workers recruited abroad passes Senate Judiciary Committee
- 05/17/2013 Reuters: House lawmakers reach tentative deal to revamp immigration
- 05/17/2013 Univision Noticias: Juanes habló con Pamela Silva Conde al comenzar su gira que inicia en California (video)
- 05/17/2013 Associated Press: Problems Surface Over Ariz.’s 2007 Immigration Law