UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
Immigration News
- 06/04/2014 KEPR TV: Immigration rally in Pasco
- 06/03/2014 Huffington Post: Latino Voters Will Blame Republicans If Immigration Reform Fails, Poll Says
- 05/06/2014 AgWired: Vilsack and Farm Workers Want Immigration Reform
- 05/06/2014 The Packer: Vilsack presses for House action on immigration reform
- 05/05/2014 ABC30 (CA): Ag leaders renew push for immigration reform
- 04/24/2014 La Opinion: Campesinos protestan frente a oficina de congresista McCarthy
- 04/24/2014 Causa (OR): BREAKING NEWS: Sit In and Rally at Rep. Walden’s Office in Medford
- 04/24/2014 Bakersfield Californian (CA): PHOTO GALLERY: Marchers seek immigration reform vote
- 04/24/2014 KERO 23 (ABC): UFW demands McCarthy vote
- 04/24/2014 VOXXI: Farm workers press Kevin McCarthy to act on immigration reform
- 04/24/2014 Video: 1,100 Farm Workers Ask Rep. McCarthy to Support Immigration Reform
- 04/24/2014 KBFX-TV-10pm newscast
- 04/24/2014 The Packer: UFW to march on California congressman
- 04/24/2014 KGET-TV—6pm newscast
- 04/24/2014 KBAK-TV—5pm newscast
- 04/24/2014 McCarthy it’s Time for a Vote March — photos by Jocelyn Sherman
- 04/24/2014 KBFX-TV—7am newscast
- 04/24/2014 With Produce in Hand, more than a 1,000 Farm Workers Deliver Strong Message to Kevin McCarthy on Immigration: “I Harvest for 10 Hours a Day. Can You Take 10 Minutes to Schedule a Vote?”
- 04/24/2014 KGET-TV-6am newscast
- 04/24/2014 KBAK-TV—5 am newscast
- 04/24/2014 Notimex: Presionan a legislador republicano para reforma migratoria
- 04/24/2014 Noticiero Telemundo (VIDEO): Campesinos reclaman reforma migratoria a congresista de California; Llevan sus cosechas a la puerta del republicano Kevin McCarthy para que impulse la reforma
- 04/24/2014 UFW Ustream Channel: Archived video of today’s #iHarvest march for a immigration reform vote
- 04/24/2014 Immigration Reform March, 4/24/14 — photos by Tanya X. Leonzo