UFW calls for boycott of Windmill Mushrooms
Heat News
- 03/07/2011 San Jose State University students gather for on-line petition in death of 17-year old farm worker girl (UFW press release)
- 03/07/2011 KCRA 3 (CA): Vigil Begins In Farmworker Death
- 03/07/2011 Father Dean McFall speaks at 3/7/11 vigil (video)
- 03/07/2011 ABC 30 (CA): Fresno State students protest plea deal in farm death case (includes video)
- 03/07/2011 Maria’s fiance Florentino Bautisa speaks at the 3/7/11 vigil (video)
- 03/07/2011 KCRA (CA): Activists Chant, Hold Flags Outside Courthouse (video)
- 03/07/2011 Maria’s uncle Doroteo Jimenez speaks at 3/7/11 vigil (video)
- 03/07/2011 KCRA (CA): A Call For Justice (video)
- 03/07/2011 Musician at Maria Isavel Vigil 3/7/11 (video)
- 03/07/2011 Fresno State students, professors gather for Day of Action in death of 17-year old farm worker girl (UFW press release)
- 03/07/2011 KGO-TV (CA): San Jose State University activists petition death of teen migrant worker
- 03/07/2011 Greenfield farm workers arrive at 3/7/11 vigil (video)
- 03/07/2011 San Jose Mercury News (CA): Advocates hold vigil in CA teen farmworker death
- 03/07/2011 Mercury News (CA): Advocates hold vigil in California teen farmworker death
- 03/07/2011 Maria Isavel’s cousin Isais & aunt Juana (video)
- 03/07/2011 Tuesday, March 8, at 5 p.m. – Vigil to protest plea deal in death of teen farm worker brings farm workers, Oaxacan community together in Greenfield (UFW press release)
- 03/07/2011 Business Week: Advocates hold vigil in California teen farmworker death
- 03/07/2011 Beginning of vigil 3/7/11 (video)
- 03/07/2011 Tuesday, March 8, at 10:30 a.m. – UFW, clergy and community gather for vigil and on-line petition in death of 17-year-old farm worker girl (UFW press release)
- 03/07/2011 Fr Bill Ruth. Ramon Reyes de Union City sing at the Stockton Maria Isabel vigil (video)
- 03/07/2011 UFW Vice-President Merlyn Calderon at the Stockton Vigil for Maria Isavel (video)
- 03/07/2011 Video from vigil for Maria Isabel in Stockton
- 03/07/2011 Video from Stockton vigil for Maria Isavel
- 03/07/2011 Closing prayer at 3/7/11 vigil for Maria Isavel (video)
- 03/07/2011 Video from Stockton vigil for Maria Isavel #1