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United Farm Workers Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris for President

Keene, CA — United Farm Workers President Teresa Romero released the following statement today, July 21, 2024. 

President Joseph R. Biden has been the greatest friend the United Farm Workers has had in the Oval Office. The Biden-Harris administration has worked tirelessly on behalf of farm workers, from championing state legislation to strengthen farm workers’ right to join a union, to ensuring undocumented essential workers were eligible for COVID vaccines and relief payments, to working to raise wages and increase legal protections in the exploitative H2A agricultural guest worker system, to proposing the nation’s first ever federal standards to protect farm workers from dying during extreme temperatures. President Biden deserves the gratitude and respect of all Americans for his lifelong service to our country and his fierce dedication to working people across America. 

Now, the United Farm Workers endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as the best leader to defeat Donald Trump and to continue the transformative work of the Biden-Harris administration.

Since the very beginning of her career in California — the nation’s largest agricultural producer — Kamala Harris has proven herself a loyal friend of all working people. Dime con quien andas, y te digo quien eres. (Tell me who you are with, and I’ll tell you who you are.) Vice President Harris has stood with farm workers as California Attorney General, as a United States Senator, and as Vice President. The United Farm Workers could not be prouder to endorse her for President of the United States. Together, we continue the work of building an America that works for all of its working people. ¡Sí Se Puede!