Keep Me in the Loop!

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MAY 18-20, 2012
Rabobank Convention Center, Bakersfield, California


The Nineteenth Constitutional Convention of the United Farm Workers will convene in the Rabobank Convention Center, 1001 Truxtun Avenue, at 9:00 A.M. on Friday, May 18, 2012 and will remain in session until business is concluded Sunday, May 20th.

September 30, 1962, the first convention of the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) convened with 200 delegates assembled in an abandoned movie theater in Fresno, California. The group’s distinctive flag, a black eagle symbol on a white circle in a red field, is unveiled.  Fifty years later, the NFWA, now known as the United Farm Workers (UFW), founded by Cesar Chavez, is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.

Since 2008, we have accomplished much in organizing, worker representation and the political legislative arena.  Through your leadership in 2008 you increased membership dues by one percent which you directed 50% be dedicated to worker organizing 25% to representation and 25% for member benefits. This has enabled us to put more organizers on the ground, provide training for the ranch committees and provide additional benefits to you in the form of additional insurance and scholarships for your children.  We can continue to explore new methods of worker representation. We can be proud of the work that has been achieved by all of us working together.  But equally important is what has been accomplished in the past 50 years.  Throughout the convention, movement leaders will highlight and further explain those accomplishments.

We have built a strong political presence in Sacramento and have had many political and legislative victories because of your participation and involvement in the political process. We have helped elect officials in local, state and national elections who are more responsive to our needs because we have built a huge capacity to mobilize large numbers of Latinos and working people. If we desire to grow this Union into a powerful organization that will provide economic security for our members and provide us with the political power we deserve, we need to take on a major leadership role in our contract companies.

Through our work with the UFW Foundation, we have been very active in immigration reform.  Many of your co-workers on numerous occasions have traveled to Washington D.C. to speak with our representatives about AgJobs, the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Your Union has been fighting to improve the lives of workers and the Latino community for 50 years with a commitment to change.  Fifty years ago our founders dared to dream, what will we dare to do?

Si Se Puede!