Cesar Chavez History Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 12/27/2024 myRGV: Attorney who fought for farm worker rights in Valley pens memoir 12/22/2023 MSN: 1970: Cesar Chavez rallies farmworkers in Salinas 05/25/2023 Texas Border Business: Alamo Museum Opens Farm Worker Movement in South Texas Exhibit 10/17/2021 History of Si Se Puede 01/22/2021 History: How Cesar Chavez Joined Larry Itliong to Demand Farm Workers’ Rights 12/06/2020 Monterey Herald: Looking back: Cesar Chavez gets a Kennedy visit, 1970 09/14/2020 KSAT San Antonio: 5 reasons why the Delano grape strike was so impactful 10/09/2019 Teen Vogue: The Complete History of the Famed Delano Grape Strike 10/03/2019 Biography: Martin Luther King Jr. Praised Cesar Chavez For His ‘Indefatigable Work’ 04/03/2017 UFW Chronology 04/03/2017 UFW Successes Through the Years 04/03/2017 The Rise of the UFW 04/03/2017 The Story of Cesar Chavez 03/07/2017 Today in history: Cesar Chavez began his 25-day water-only fast in Delano, Calif. on Feb. 15, 1968 03/07/2017 The 1965-1970 Delano Grape Strike and Boycott 03/07/2017 Prayer of the Farm Workers’ Struggle/Oracion del Campesino en la Lucha 03/07/2017 Need a speaker for your event honoring Cesar Chavez? 03/07/2017 Having a Cesar Chavez Event? You can list it on our online map of events. 03/07/2017 Education of the Heart: Cesar Chavez in his own words 03/07/2017 Tour of the “Forty Acres”: Where Giants Walked (English & Spanish) 03/07/2017 Organize A March For Cesar Chavez Day 03/07/2017 The Fight In the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the farm worker struggle 03/07/2017 Chavez Day 2007 Curriculum Guide – Elementary School 03/07/2017 Chavez Day 2007 Curriculum Guide – Middle School 03/07/2017 Chavez Day 2007 Curriculum Guide – High School 12Next »