CA Ag Labor Relations Voting Choice Act News Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 08/21/2022 CBS News Sacramento: UFW farm workers march reaches Lodi 08/20/2022 Los Angeles Time: Los Angeles Times: United Farm Workers members march again to the Capitol, where their clout is growing 08/20/2022 The Modesto Bee: UFW marchers seeking union election changes make Stanislaus stops on way to Sacramento 08/19/2022 California Teachers Association: Marching for Union Rights 08/19/2022 Stockton Record: UFW march to pass through San Joaquin County with stops in Manteca, Stockton and Lodi 08/19/2022 The Fresno Bee: Marcher began her UFW life with 1966 march at age 7 08/19/2022 ABC 10: I’m marching because I’m angry’: Farmworkers on a 335 mile walk to Sacramento for improved voting rights 08/19/2022 Turlock Journal: Turlockers support farmworkers on their march to Sacramento 08/19/2022 Merced County Times: Farm workers, supporters ‘March for Governor’s Signature’ 08/19/2022 ABC 10: Central Valley farm workers march more than 300 miles to California Capitol 08/19/2022 Daily Kos: Farmworker from 335-mile march says laborers deserve ‘benefits, respect, equality’ 08/19/2022 The Modesto Bee: Watch farmworker Teresa Maldonado Mendoza whip up a crowd in support of AB2183 08/18/2022 Los Angeles Times: Latinx Files: United Farm Workers marches to Sacramento 08/18/2022 The Sacramento Bee: Farmworker stopped working for weeks to march in Central Valley. ‘This fight is worth more’ 08/18/2022 The Sacramento Bee: Opinion Gov. Newsom’s choice: Back California farm workers or help the rich. 08/17/2022 UFW march builds as it is joined by Martin Luther King III, state AFL-CIO head Lorena Gonzalez, unions, activists, community members 08/17/2022 Manteca Bulletin: MARCHING THRU MANTECA 08/16/2022 The Bloomingtonian: Gallery: United Farm Workers march to California capitol for unionization 08/15/2022 Visalia Times Delta: California farmworkers march to urge Newsom to sign voting rights bill: ‘We deserve this law’ 08/15/2022 Capital & Main: California Farmworkers March to Urge Newsom to Sign Voting Rights Bill 08/12/2022 The Fresno Bee: Catholic leader joins farmworker union in its march through California’s Central Valley 08/12/2022 The Fresno Bee: Watch as local Fresno bishops support farmworkers by marching with UFW 08/12/2022 Daily Kos: Farmworker marchers receive blessing from bishops as 335-mile pilgrimage for union rights continues 08/12/2022 KVPR: Catholic Church leader joins farmworkers on march through Central Valley 08/11/2022 Fox 26 News: Local bishop to march alongside UFW in support of AB 2183 in Calwa « Previous1…5678910Next »