08/26/2022 CBS Bay Area: Farm workers rally at California Capitol
08/26/2022 KGET: Union voices their opinion after Newsom would not sign bill
08/26/2022 CBS News Sacramento: United Farm Workers joined by thousands in Sacramento at state capitol
08/26/2022 Los Angeles Times: Column: Farmworkers didn’t get what they wanted from Newsom — this time
08/26/2022 ABC 30: 335-mile farmworker march to Sacramento completed, but Gov. Newsom vetoes their cause
08/26/2022 ABC 10: Here’s why farm workers marched from Delano to Sacramento
08/26/2022 KQED: Farmworkers’ 24-Day March Culminates in Sacramento, Pressuring Newsom to Sign Union Bill
08/26/2022 ABC 10: ‘Protection for farm workers is key’: Hear from the woman who led the UFW march from Delano to Sacramento
08/26/2022 The Sacramento Bee: ‘We’re not going to give up.’ See farmworkers march arrive at Capitol after 24-day trek
08/26/2022 CBS Sacramento: Farm workers rallied at the capitol building in downtown Sacramento
08/25/2022 Time: California Farmworkers Are Marching 335 Miles for the Right to Vote in Union Elections by Mail
08/25/2022 KCRA 3: Why marching California farm workers want Gov. Newsom to sign union voting rights bill AB 2183
08/24/2022 Daily Kos: Farmworkers near end of 24-day ‘March for the Governor’s Signature’ urging support for bill
08/24/2022 Westside Connect: Farmworkers stop in area on march to Sacramento
08/24/2022 KALW: California farmworkers are on a 24-day, 335-mile march for union voting rights
08/24/2022 UC Davis Health News: Medical students help soothe farmworkers on 300-mile trek
08/24/2022 Weary marchers nearing Sacramento, preparing for final leg of 24-day, 335-mile trek as 5,000 are expected to march on state Capitol Friday
08/23/2022 Lodi News-Sentinel: United Farm Workers stop in Lodi in push for expanded union voting options
08/23/2022 KCRA 3: ‘It’s been hard, but it is worth it’: Farm workers head to state Capitol on Day 21 of march
08/22/2022 KCRA 3: ‘We’re here to give them a voice’: Group marching hundreds of miles to California capitol in support of farm workers
08/22/2022 Al Dia News: United Farm Workers’ “March for the Governor’s Signature,” to conclude in Sacramento this Friday
08/22/2022 Momentum builds as 5,000 to join final leg of 24-day, 335-mile UFW ‘March for the Governor’s Signature’
08/21/2022 CBS Sacramento: UFW farm workers march reaches Lodi
08/21/2022 The Modesto Bee: In UFW march, MLK’s son likens farmworkers’ plight ‘almost as equivalent’ to slavery
08/21/2022 Stockton Record: United Farm Workers marchers stop in Stockton on way to California capitol